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Throat Surgery

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So, this summer, I am going to go through (more) throat surgery. I had throat surgery when I was 3 and it was fatal, if it weren't for it I would have died. Basically, by throat was larger then it was supposed to be, so they had to take out of some of the crap inside it. During this surgery, it damaged my vocal chords and I haven't been able to speak since then, I can only make very little sounds and when I do, they cause me a lot of pain. But, this summer I am going to go through more surgery to get them fixed. The doctors said the worst thing that would happen in this surgery is death (of course), but it is a small chance. They also said it is common to have a slightly higher voice when I have the surgery complete. 12 year old voice for the rest of my life... yay? That is very attractive, I'm sure, haha. so, just giving a heads up now, I will post in the hello & goodbyes forums when I'm about to get it.

so... cheers!


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I was pretty sure that you couldn't fix vocal cords...well I'm pretty sure you're trolling. But I've never played with you before so if it's true, good luck brother, from another mother

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