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Help with job interview?

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I was recently offered a management position. I've had one interview already with the owner and I am scheduling a second interview for next week. The owner said the second interview would also include the current "manager stand-in" and I should be prepared with questions to ask the manager and "try to stump her." I'm not sure what type of questions to ask or if this is supposed to be some sort of joke since I was told to stump her. Any ideas on what to ask?


Rules for replying:

You must be 20+ y/o

You must have (or have had) a job


Kiddies, go away, you won't be helpful. I'm looking for some real ideas here.

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I was interviewed for an internship for over the summer and what I think they mean by "try to stump her" is for you to not ask the manager simple questions that a good manager should all ready know. They want you to find questions to ask that the manager that she would only specifically know as each manager has different knowledge that they acquire through working at their jobs, that other managers who work elsewhere, would not. By only asking specific to management as this job questions shows that you already know what a manager in general does and just want the specifics so that you can better yourself in this category of management.


(Hows that for a kiddie answer?)

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It would help to provide answers to stump the chump if we knew what she was a manger of. =D


It's at a Plato's Closet. The help desk place I work for is third-party and services a lot of different businesses, I got to talking to the owner of this place and she wanted me to come in for an interview. If I took this I'd keep my help desk gig part time and Plato's would be full time. It'd be a little less pay - but it gives me an opportunity to get out of the house more, see people, and - oh - Plato's Corporate puts on an all-expenses-paid networking meeting each year... I could be in Florida next month!


... not ask the manager simple questions that a good manager should all ready know... By only asking specific to management as this job questions shows that you already know what a manager in general does...


That actually makes a lot of sense. Thanks, kid! :beguiled:

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I may be 14 but I have worked and am working 2 jobs right now. You should just ask some imformation you don't or want to know about the job. And I have no idea what he means by stump her :P

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Simply be the dominant one in the interview to a certain extent, a manager has to be "powerful" you have to be able to command people well, speak well, and be clear. I'd agree with stego, go over the hand book a couple times, and all that jazz, also make sure to ask her at least one question.

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