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New donation perks

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Just a few ideas to coax people to donate:


1.) $10,000 starting money for each JailBreak map

2.) More RTV power (Instead of one vote it is two)

3.) HLDJ access? (Strictly monitored)


[bLINK]Post more suggestions![/bLINK]

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can't rtv twice , and the money ruins the whole thing bout bombs/ days if u want a new system get like the whole hat pack 1-7

all it one for a certain lower price lets say 70 bucks

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I paid 30 dollars.

Things we should get.

  • Possibly our character glowing? Also a shadow trail (A light trail for your whole body).
  • HLDJ


+1 this if you approve. (Possibly 20+ dollars in donations get access).


Also, ingame money is to overpowered... We can get a rtd for..

  • A hand gun with one mag
  • Flash/Frag/Smoke
  • Body Armor
  • Rare extra health?

Also with a small chance of getting it.

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Just a few ideas to coax people to donate:


1.) $10,000 starting money for each JailBreak map

2.) More RTV power (Instead of one vote it is two)

3.) HLDJ access? (Strictly monitored)


I like the idea of starting money , isn't that overpowered because of the many people that can buy bombs :s ?

Also, I think nomination should be a donators perk.


HLDJ should be donators perk for all servers except jailbreak because it can cause problems.


My suggestions (anything I could think of at the moment) :

- Donators should have highlighted names when they talk .

- Donators should have the ability to have a donators chat box just like admin chat.

- Ability to be first in queue for CT.


Feedback would be appreciated.

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I'm not really a fan of anything that would effect gameplay - money, armor, health, etc. That just really unbalance everything and add more chaos.

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