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I'm posting this in general so that people can actually see. If this needs to be moved to css:discussion please feel free.


So lately I've been noticing our jailbreak numbers have been suffering, which is kind of sad to see :/


Now obviously this has been a result of ddosing but I think we should do something about it at least, you know what I mean? I mean after all jailbreak kinda built xenogamers more or less, and we all know that.


After playing on HG's server today after finally being unbanned like everybody else I saw the amount of plugins they had and it's pretty impressive..


So I know this is basically based by donations but what I think would help are:


1. More plugins. Maybe a point system so that we can put money to use in things besides days and bombs. Maybe purchasable upgrades?


2. If we put in effort maybe we can all work together to make our own map(s) and possibly even develop plugins our things such as last requests to function with the map. PLUGIN to map FUNCTIONALITY.


3. Extra emphasis on the plug-ins, maybe some kind of extra RPG elements to be added to each side? I know classes are here but something beyond that, especially for t's.


Now in closing I don't want this to be a carbon copy of HG's jailbreak, because thats not what our jailbreak is. It's its own separate being, we need to do something to evolve it and possibly get more people to play.


This is all just suggestions, I think at least we can try for this. And it will take donations and money which we are suffering from, but If our summer goes as planned w/ our various fundraisers maybe we can make it happen??


Leave your opinions.

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I played on HG JB last night and also this morning. I had a few ideas rattle around my head and I spoke with Aegean very briefly about some of it. I think there's a lot we can learn, but like you said, we are who we are.


I think some of the appeal (for me anyway, can't speak for you) is that it's different. That's why it seems interesting or better in ways. But honestly, some of the HG members I spoke with have said the same things about our server for likely the same reason. It's appealing because it's different.


Keep in mind a lot of what they do is because they play the same map. They're wardening plugin in great and it can teleport people, open that pesky security room, restrict areas, teleport for !lr, all kind of cool crap. But we could never do that unless we had our own map that ran 24/7.


I do like their wardening style as well as some of the warden/rebel plugins that could be implemented anywhere. In a sense it's stricter by giving CTs more controlling, automatically declared rebels for holding guns and changing them colors, etc. But in a way, because of being a little more strict, there's effectively more wiggle-room for controlling the rounds, handling T's, managing rebels and pardons, etc.


I'm not going to try wardening on the server for quite some time. And as far as the drugs and the rep and whatever - I just don't fucking understand. But it will be fun to play there for something different - and I'm sure they'll come here for the same reason.


In the end, like I said, I think there's a few things we can learn and maybe implement little changes. But I personally really wouldn't want to get to far away from how it currently operates.

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agreed we need some sort of class system for the t's

since usually theres 3 times more t's than ct's


and im thinking a molotov would be nice it sets the ct's on fire and they got to run to a pool or else they burn

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^^ maybe make that some kind of purchasable weapon????


There's a ton of shit we can do with money alone besides bombs. :P


Add stuff for cts and ts!


Viva la Evolution!

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I like Gawd's idea of allowing T's to purchase things other than bombs.

Here's some ideas I just thought of...

-Allow T's to purchase pistols, special powers for a single round, days, etc.

-Maybe even allow T's to purchase something similar to days except only the T's get that certain power..

-Allow T's to trade things they purchase, or allowing T's to send in-game cash to each other so they may combine it for a better purchase.


Just some ideas ^_^



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@@silence @@Starbuck


So I don't know, these are just suggestions, but I think it would make the jailbreak a newer experience, get newer people in and get older people who got bored back in! Even just getting things such as extra buyable things for t's would be an insanely nice plugin and maybe wouldn't take too much work? :P It's just ideas.


Maybe even a rebel on lr purchase?? (could make the server auto slay if t attacks someone while not using any lr's)


I'm just tossing ideas around. I like cat's ^ let t's purchase guns maybe? <- not to say it would unbalance gameplay, let ct's be given the option to buy something as well. Especially since nowadays t's seem to always be the overpowered group, give cts a buy menu? It could be with regular money or a new earned currency, meh idk. I'm just writing whatever pops into my head. Imo we need SOMETHING new in the servers, because the population is showing it and I feel that it's even easy to get bored. Imagine if we had a lot of plugins like HG but a ton of maps to play with them you know what i mean?


The gang thing might be too far from xG's servers but maybe not. I don't know about you guys but gang wars sound pretty fucking fun. Purchasable days were a step in the right direction. We could test a lot of these things I mean we have all summer?

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I have to say from an HG JB member's perspective, all these ideas are great! Although, having no HLDJ or having to donate to become resistant to mic spam prevention plugin to use HLDJ is kind of a deal breaker for me. Half the fun of war days and other days is the sounds and music HLDJ can provide. Granted, there are people out there who troll with bad quality clips or just don't know how to adjust the audio with Goldwave are an issue but observe how we handle them and I hope you can at least maybe set up some guidelines concerning that if you decide to disable the mic spam plugin.

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I have to say from an HG JB member's perspective, all these ideas are great! Although, having no HLDJ or having to donate to become resistant to mic spam prevention plugin to use HLDJ is kind of a deal breaker for me. Half the fun of war days and other days is the sounds and music HLDJ can provide. Granted, there are people out there who troll with bad quality clips or just don't know how to adjust the audio with Goldwave are an issue but observe how we handle them and I hope you can at least maybe set up some guidelines concerning that if you decide to disable the mic spam plugin.


I dont't believe the mic spam plug-in is in effect or has been for a long time. Some of us actually were asking for hldj back, at least for mods and up and being allowed to use in moderation but that is yet to be discussed.

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I dont't believe the mic spam plug-in is in effect or has been for a long time. Some of us actually were asking for hldj back, at least for mods and up and being allowed to use in moderation but that is yet to be discussed.


Shows how out of date I am, I played there when I was floating around clanless before I rejoined HG. I also popped in when I was still with Syndicate Gamers a year ago and they still had that antimic spam plugin or something like that where if you used your HLDJ bind, you got muted by console. Although I should say, my name was Zeon back then on steam. Still I am glad to see it is being discussed, although I would like to see it be allowed for the general population of players but maybe set up a sign up sheet on the forums/special forum group for HLDJ operators to share clips and offer tips to aspiring operators to inprove their audio manipulation skills. I am suggesting this as an HLDJ operator with over 1000 files on tap for use that are, for the most part excellent quality, if a trifle loud sometimes.

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The problem with trying to implement even the littlest is that there's a lot more that needs to be re-worked. For example:


Currently a T is announced as rebel in chat if they attack a CT. I like that HG has it announce rebel if you hold a gun for 3 seconds. We wouldn't be able to implement that because currently our MOTD states that a CT must see the T rebel - so if you have a gun out and you're not seen then you're fine. In my opinion, I do like our method better because, well, "can't get in trouble if you don't get caught." Seems more realistic in a way. Though, this probably helps cut down on freekills.


They also have different colors for rebels, which we can't use since we offer !colors to donators.


I do like the rep idea and giving T's a little more fun things to do. Something like that could probably get implemented with little else needing to be changed once we get something figured out. But, like our new warden plugin, it'll take a little time to test and experiment with.

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For all these stuff to work, we need more donations and right now we aren't reaching our quota per month like we used too. We do not want to sell mod again thus why I am making all these fundraisers. Some ideas are good, some ideas are meh and some ideas are a big no-no. Don't look too much into HG jailbreak, they have their own stuff and we have our own.

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Purchasing weapons is a BIG no-no.


Rebels almost always have the upper hand anyway. Whenever I play Jailbreak, I rebel at every opportunity I have. And 75% of the time it works out.

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