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[Poll] What should be considered Racism?

"Nigga" Racist? Yes or No  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. "Nigga" Racist? Yes or No

    • Yes, gaggable offense
    • Nope. Harmless in certain context

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I understand the reason behind the racism/sexism rule entirely, I'm just not sure where the line stands for what we consider racist. For example, the word "Nigga"

Many people have said this in chat (psst rabid, kizzuro) and not gotten in trouble, where others have gotten gagged for it, myself included.

Now, the point of this thread, is to get a general census of what anyone with mod powers think, so please do not vote if you aren't a current or past part of the moderating team. (This obviously includes higher ranks than mod)

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What I've been told by @Aegean! and @@serbiansnaga is that it's only a problem if it sincerely affects someone.


Basically, my understanding of this, has been that if someone drops the n-word but it doesn't offend anyone in-game then it's tolerable. But if someone does have a problem with it then a warning is given followed by gag/mute/kick/ban if it continues.


It's just a matter of if the people who have to hear are offended by it or not. And that goes for any slur, just using n as an example.

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Basically, my understanding of this, has been that if someone drops the n-word but it doesn't offend anyone in-game then it's tolerable.

This was my understanding as well, but I was confused because I've seen a ton of people, mostly mods, gag for anything even slightly racist such as calling mohammad black lololo

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Personally I don't care at all if people are racist, as long as it in a joking manner.


But the thing is some people might not want to say "oh that offends me", simply because they don't want people to possibly judge them. Some people might get upset but just won't say anything :/

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nigga is allowed, nigger isnt. definition of nigga has changed over history to mean a close friend, whereas nigger has not changed through history and remains as a word that is designed to insult african americans

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So nigga is okay, period? Like, people can't complain about it?


And the n-word isn't okay, period? Like, even if no-one complains it's instantly gaggable?


What about other derogatory words towards other regions, religions, races, etc. Where is the line drawn?


Ch*nk. Wetback. S*ndn*gger. So on and so forth.


What's 100% ok, what's 100% not okay, and what's the grey-area-dont-use-it-if-it-offends-but-otherwise-okay area?

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Tbh if i see anyone using these terms in a manner that to ME sounds like they're saying it to insult its gonna be a gag/mute either way.

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It's just like Billy Mays said, It's about the person's intention when using this word, Like I've seen a few times is people trying to sort of avoid this rule by changing the word, which is just ridiculous.


Ex: Some dude with the intention of insulting someone else calls him a Niqqa, Nigha, Neegah, etc...With the excuse that he/she is in any way using any offensive word or specifically the word "Nigga", This in my opinion is ridiculous. And I've seen mods that don't do anything about it, not to go into details.


Yeah, anyways, I voted for "Nope".

However mods and admins need to pay close attention to this cases when they encounter them online to make sure what the person's intention is or the contexts or w/e.

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With the excuse that he/she is in any way using any offensive word or specifically the word "Nigga"


Which raises another valid question...


If some uses a variation ("nigga" "neeger" "nagger") it tends to cause a flood of people saying/typing everything closely resembling "nigger". How are those people supposed to be dealt with?


Is a stern, general, "STFU or GTFO" warning okay? I tend to use "No racial slurs or variations" which in the short term causes a few things to be said but after a minute people get the idea so I guess it works.

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I say nigga in game a lot, I'm just like "hey nigga" or something like that. I find that stuff fine, as long as they aren't like

Racism up ahead

"you're a dirty nigga" "go pick some cotton nigga" e.t.c. But like "Chink" "Sandnigger" "Porch Monkey" & that stuff I don't really like people saying. Since it's a derogatory term, & they're trying to get a rise out of people..

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