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Realized what I did, gonna make an attempt.

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Here I go. While the server was all kinds of glitching and what not, (Some of us couldn't even move lol) a lot of people playing jailbreak with me were messaging me that we're getting hacked.


In a sarcastic sentence I said "Blame HG and panda", panda was the only guy that could move in the map.


I understand what I did is frowned upon but I felt like protesting my ban if it was over one line of chat.


If I could get unbanned and I know this might be a perm, it'd be nice. If I don't then I'll understand and I'll move on. OKTHANXBAI

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Although I am not a member of xG and I don't have the right to vouch, I too think that it's somewhat ludicrous to be perma banned, or banned at all, over a line of text, especially sarcastic text. It WAS sarcasm and it WAS a joke. A warning should have been issued or something, not just a straight ban.


Thanks for reading.

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Panda was not the only person that could move. At the time you said this I had joined the server after receiving reports of the problem and at the time you said this a new round was well under way with no problem.


I banned you for 1 week to give people time to reply and respond. If the higher-ups @Aegean! @@serbiansnaga want to shorten (or lengthen) your ban that's up to them, I was acting on what I was told that there'd be zero tolerance for this type of behavior.


I have a screenshot of your chat message which I will post after I disconnect and Steam pops up and tells me where it saved it.

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Here's his chat logs, showing that he re-joined the server and participated in chat for at least 30 seconds before making the comment...


Xeno Gamers - Search


This, along with the screenshot which also shows others chatting, proves that his "no one could move" comment in his post is false.

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As someone who has kept an eye on HG forums since the banning of xG members, I'd say this is hardly worth a perm. HG aren't so uptight that they'd get mad and revoke their unbans over this.


Though I think this should be used as a warning for any who talk negatively of HG. It's taken a long time for them to regain trust and that trust is probably very fragile.

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It's obvious he was just joking around, don't joke about HG like that though :P We are friends with them and i'm sure they wouldn't appretiate the comment. Anyways I'll unban you.


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