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New Rule for Competitions

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I was recently playing Cliff Hanger, which is the game where you crouch and move as far back as you could would falling off while looking at the ceiling. What I realized was was that the warden did not specify in the beginning how many would live and die judging on how far back they were. Because of this, I would think there could be favoritism involved. The warden could increase or decrease the number who live and die judging upon if there was a friend who was playing it.


What I propose is a rule that makes the warden have to specify how many winners will be taken BEFORE the game officially starts. A warden who does not do this will be slayed for it. This applies in many games, such as mystery trivia. The prize should be typed out in CT chat before the question is asked in case the winner is someone the warden likes or dislikes.


Now in most cases like surf, climb, race, etc, wardens are used to giving how many will live right in the beginning. Normally right after the Ts start the game. But the problem with this is, is that if a warden looks to see who is out in front or who is struggling the warden can take all winners or only the first 2.


Example: There are 8 Ts in Climb. The warden orders all Ts to start climb. The warden's friend is in 4th place. He chooses to take all winners after he notices that his friend is falling is not in the top 3. Thus, his friend lives, and the game is delayed even longer.


Any thoughts or improvements upon this rule would be appreciated.


(I can post long things just like McNeo!)

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There is no rule against favoritism. If it gets out of hand or extends beyond 1 or 2 incidences you can warn/slay. Talked to @Aegean! or @@serbiansnaga about this a couple weeks ago and that's what they told me.


Also, if you realize something like that has happened, JUST SAY SOMETHING. The MOTD is 2.87 miles long as it is because we gotta put in every little thing. People are already complaining that it's too long, while others want more and more to fill in holes.

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+1? I mean this is kind of a rule already atleast for surprise trivia its already known you have to type the prize in ct chat.

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I feel like the easiest way to avoid something like this is just make a rule making the warden have to announce the number of winners before the game begins and if no number is stated then it automatically is just 3 or something like that.

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