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President's Day Rule

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I would just like to add a detail to the rule that changing your name to impersonate the warden/president on this day should be a kickable offence. I was just recently playing CS:S and killed someone who had the wardens name. I was focusing only on him to make it a freeday. I killed who i thought we the president with a bomb and used admin chat to call freeday. The player changed his / her name back after I was kicked by the mod who was the president who was infact still alive saying that I abused.


This is impersonating another player already so there should be no problem adding this to the rules.

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Presidents Day

Warden chooses a White House and Bunker location. All CTs go to the White House. Ts should be given an opportunity to get guns. The Warden is president and the CTs are body guards. Warden is allowed to use knife or pistol only. At a given time the CTs must escort the President to the Bunker. Ts are not allowed in the Bunker room. All Ts are kill on sight. Once the bunker is reached the CTs must defend the President. The day is played out as a warday with no LR.

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there just sneaky that's why they trick you make sure you killed the right one if u warden/president it will say warden has retired


Ganja what I believe Stego is trying to say is that if there are two people one warden one ct that have similar (or the same) names, you could focus on the wrong person because you look for the name of the warden (and Warden retires AFTER you kill him so if you get killed while killing other guy who was not the warden you would be pretty annoyed/angry because you died for nothing).


On a side note I am guessing what happens when the warden does die is either the day continues as normal (warday) or there is a new ct that is warden and is the new president or it turns into a freeday?

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Well, In my opinion, as long as their name isnt the exact same thing it should be fine, Its basically like a decoy to get attention off the actual president,which is actually a smart idea.

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