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New Summer Helicopter

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It should probably be added to the MOTD that you cant go in the helicopter and use it....I mean, to slay people without warning for using it and having it not in the MOTD should be considered a freeslay. Not everyone knows the rule. It's one thing to say that someone didnt read the MOTD and slay them for breaking a rule in it, but it doesn't say in the MOTD that you cant use the heli. This makes it an unspoken rule that not everyone knows about, which could lead to unfair punishment.

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Technically it is against MOTD. A) It's camping; if you go up in it you can't move more than 15 feet. B) It's a cheap spot; you have a very great strategical advantage in the helicopter. So, going up in the helicopter is technically against MOTD.


As far as starting it and not going up, that is not against MOTD. However, most mods/admins will warn at the beginning of the first few rounds (and hopefully randomly here and there throughout the course of the map as random people come and go). Personally, I put it as a general warning "ALL PLAYERS: Do NOT start the helicopter" at the beginning of the first 3 rounds of the map.

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My main problem/concern about it is that it isn't directly stated in the MOTD, because I could interpret the two points you made differently.


Quick question though, i've only ever seen the heli go up into the air. I don't know if it can move around the map. If not, point A is completely valid. Though, if it can, someone could argue that the heli itself is moving, and so it isnt camping.


As for point B....yeah, I don't have anything solid against that. Other than CTs finding a cheap place to group up during a freeday, but I haven't seen them co-ordinate the same way. Though, if a bunch of CTs were to hold out at a chokepoint similar to how most CTs would during a warday, and made it hard for any Ts to get them, you wouldnt see them slain as fast as CTs on the heli would be.


Again though, I sorta think having a quick mention about it, such as under a sub-category for camping, where it says that using the Heli counts as camping.

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T's are allowed to camp except during last CT. Also the only one i see even warning that its a slay is you. also for it being a "cheap spot" no its not you can easly see into it and kill any1 inside it.

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It's a cheap spot


>cheap spot

















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I agree this should in fact be placed in the motd. You can not always hear the Admins/Moderators telling people to not use it over mic spam and the current Warden Ect. When I first started playing in here I would go up in the helicopter for the advantages it did have. I didn't even know I wasn't allowed to until like the 4th-5th time I did it someone finally said something.

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You can not always hear the Admins/Moderators telling people to not use it over mic spam and the current Warden Ect.


I usually use all chat

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