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I was not disrespecting

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Was there, people got mad at him for talking to much. Not disrespect, simply DuckiiJr being butthurt. He kicked someone for asking "how Jessica is."

I don't see any disrespect there, now does anyone else?


They were kicked because they were a troll not because they asked how jessica was.



I came on because I had SEVERAL complaints of pepper trolling, disrespecting, and generally being annoying.


I also came on to see that there were mods there that were not doing SHIT about any of it. I had to tell Serbian about this and we agreed that I would ban Peppermint. I am also very disappointed to see that the mods were not doing shit. Apparently to Peppermint he wasn't doing anything, but he admitted to spamming.


HE ADMITTED TO SPAMMING. This shows that mods were ALLOWING THIS. If I spam I always stop when people ask me to stop. But I had several complains of him being a troll and being annoying and all that. So he must have not stopped or even been muted by the mods when people were complaining. I had talked with 1 of the people who had complained and he told me that the mods said they would do nothing about pepper. Hence why they got me on to actually do something. Sadly I have no proof due to it being mostly over the mic.


Pepper says he gets disrespected a ton and he doesn't do anything. But I have had many people saying that he is almost always the 1 to start it. I don't know what has gotten into Pepper...he has changed in bad ways.


As for Minecrack I am not sure what to say... I can see he wasn't doing his job. Minecrack himself isn't the nicest person.

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Anyways, Peppermint since you left xG you have acted as if you can do whatever you pleased and not be punished for it. You constantly troll and disrespect. You swear at others like there is no tomorrow, spam, and act as if you are the king of the world. A couple of screens.


This. I actually DID warn peppermint over Steam chat. I actually said to him the exact same thing as above too ^. I told him "You think if you just leave xG that it's ok to disrespect and do all this?"

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You and peppermint don't have demos either. And you both haven't really shown yourselves to be trustable at all.




You're really in no position to say this from the multiple discrepancies we've had with you. Right now you should just have your head down and your tail in between your legs.

I rather be demoted than everyone bitching at me and making me look bad, it's not really a reason for me to stay mod.

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The fact you didn't say anything is funny. We were CT also, so what "strats" are you talking about. I also don't take proof of everytime disrespecting, but I would call this disrespectful since you're acting high-and-mighty because of a mess up you did.
Minecrack clean the shit out of your ears. I said awping mid, and you say fuck that, and when enemy comes and you run in front of him, you're bound to get shot. Also, please elaborate on my acting high and mighty.

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