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Surf RPG "repairs/tips"

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Well I'm not here to tell you guys what to do with the server, but as a player of surf rpg for 2+ years, this server could use some nice tuneups to make gameplay more enjoyable.


1. An increase on the general experience we get from killing a player boosted from 75 to atleast 400 minimum. I feel like it will make leveling a bit easier and faster and let those who are new to the server have a chance to compete with those who are higher level.


2. An increase of credits from 5 to 10 each level. There are many skills that are available, but are not available due to the high credit requirement of the skill, so a minute increase would be generous.


3. A more available variety of maps, right now we are just overplaying the few that we have. I will be recommending a few that I think would be fun to play on.


4. The motd (imo) should be broadened out more instead of having to click the link, it should be displayed as you enter the server to allow a more easier accessible way.


5. An increase on the health skill instead of 15 each level to 25.


6. A larger population to play with on the server. Show some love for the surf rpg players!!!


7. Also make it against the rules to purposely slay yourself while being shot at or killed.


Like I said, I'm not here to tell you how to run your guys' servers or anything, I'm just here to share what I thought would make the server more enjoyable. I've played CSS for atleast 4 years and the time I've played, most of it has been on surf RPG servers, and the server with similar content made it more enjoyable for everyone.


These are just thoughts to take into consideration and brainstorm about, I'm showing my love for the community and just wanted to help, thanks!!


PS: Criticism is always welcome

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I don't play surf much at all cuz I suck at it hahaha. @@silence is the one that would have to look at all this.


As far as #4 , the reason the rules are in a link is so it's not the first thing you see. Don't want people bein like "Oh I'm gonna go play some surf" then "BAM READ OUR RUELZ". It just makes for a little more welcoming of a server, and of course the rules are still easily accessible if anyone needs them.


Also, welcome to the forums!

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As far as #4 , the reason the rules are in a link is so it's not the first thing you see. Don't want people bein like "Oh I'm gonna go play some surf" then "BAM READ OUR RUELZ". It just makes for a little more welcoming of a server, and of course the rules are still easily accessible if anyone needs them.


Also, welcome to the forums!


True true, I just thought it would be more convenient for those who want a quick overview of the rules for those who are new, and thanks!!

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I agree with it all except for number 5. Health is already overpowered with the 15 hp increase per level. If someone maxed out their hp they'd be at or above 200 if each level was 25. As for numbers 1 and 2, those should only be for regular RPG surf, not our DM

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I agree with it all except for number 5. Health is already overpowered with the 15 hp increase per level. If someone maxed out their hp they'd be at or above 200 if each level was 25.


That is what makes it fun and a challenge, were not supposed to be sitting at 160 hp at lvl 80, we should be well over 200, which makes it more challenging and enjoyable. Of course they could put a HP cap like 300 or so.

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we should be well over 200, which makes it more challenging and enjoyable. Of course they could put a HP cap like 300 or so.


This would take more than one person to kill one guy. That's ridiculous lol. It'd be like trying to kill last CT on jailbreak especially since they'll have longjump too. The health is fine how it is.

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This would take more than one person to kill one guy. That's ridiculous lol. It'd be like trying to kill last CT on jailbreak especially since they'll have longjump too. The health is fine how it is.


You cant even make a good argument with that analogy. First of all the T's have no weapons and no way of self defense or getting away, all that is on the last round is the CT slaughtering every T until its LR, the health needs to be buffed, we shouldn't be getting 1 shot in the leg by an awp, this is RPG not DM.

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Its kinda a good analogy since Ts usually already have guns by the time of last CT and they have lower health than the captain america who can run through awp shots. If you get 1 shot awped in the leg and die that means you already had previous damage.

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Hmm 200 creds a kill seems overkill more like 125 or so just saying i dont want maxed hp full stealth people running around. I do agree with #2 #3 #6 and for 7 i guess so but have not seen that happen alot.

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Hmm 200 creds a kill seems overkill more like 125 or so just saying i dont want maxed hp full stealth people running around.


No no no, were not talk about credits per kill, I'm talking about experience because I'm running around right now killing people 40 levels higher than me with a useless reward of 35 experience and if I get lucky, 75.


The max hp and stealth shouldn't be a worry, if they knew what to do (not saying you guys dont!) they would limit the hp level to like 250 and stealth to only level 3.

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Lol, go to any other surf rpg server and they have the same exact health buff, its not crazy, its part of the game and to limit it is unnecessary.

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