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T's Mic Spamming

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MOTD says "A T can spam his mic to rebel if he is seen by CT's at the time of spamming (unless it is incoherent and pointless yelling)" (See MOTD here, look under "Mic policy").


Just a few moments ago @@Fair_Sirs muted all T's because I was spamming mic. I, along with most the other T's, were still in cell block at the stairs in sight of all the CT's. I was only spamming for about 3 seconds before Fair muted all T's.


I used admin chat to tell Fair that we should not have been muted and @@PapiChulo defended him because "It interfered with the day." To which my response was "well that's the whole damn point."


If a T is mic spamming and is not in sight of CT's then he should be muted and warned. If a T is spamming in sight of CTs then it's the wardens responsibility to call "talk over warden rebel."


And, under only a couple situations, should the whole T team be muted for one T spamming.



@@Jihad @Aegean!

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But you weren't spamming to rebel, you were just spamming and the warden (me) couldn't go on with the day lol. I don't see the whole point in this thread? You were delaying the round and orders couldn't have been heard with you spamming. That's what We mute people for usually.


I don't understand if you're trying to find a loophole in the motd or something? It can be fixed if you want?


In any case you were hurting yourself because you were just sitting at cell stairs doing nothing.



Edit: so what you're saying is because you had "coherent" sentences (I use coherent loosely) then its fine for you to spam and annoy others in the server? Or..?

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You were delaying the round and orders couldn't have been heard with you spamming.


Exactly. I was mic spamming to rebel. That's the point. And orders were to go to stairs, I started spamming while moving to stairs. I wasn't hurting myself (or delaying anything) because that was still the only current order.


Say "talk over warden rebel" then kill me if I continue. Don't mute all the T's because 1 person is spamming.

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I don't understand if you're trying to find a loophole in the motd or something? It can be fixed if you want?


It's not a loophole, it actually is the rule. This was added to prevent this exact situation. T's can micspam if in sight of CT's - that's the rule, not a loophole.

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More people started spamming because of you. You weren't the only one spamming. And the orders were to bunch up at cell stairs and I was still giving orders and then you started spamming. Others started spamming. The T team was muted. Problem solved. The round went on.


And for the whole "it's a rule" thing. You were pretty much exploiting it. I don't get why you though the muting was bad? People were spamming. They got muted. Happens all the time. Pretty sure you've muted Ts for it. The only difference is it was you this time.


You weren't rebelling. You were being annoying.

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How can one rebel by mic spamming if not to delay orders? That's really the only thing mic spamming can be used for to rebel.


Orders were to unstack, which we were. We could have been killed if you wanted. No need to mute everyone.

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Jihad has sided with me on this and Aegeans says we're both right in a way.


Aege-poo said he'd update MOTD to make the rule more clear.


But, as written, I did nothing wrong by mic spamming and should not have been muted.

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I still don't understand why this thread was made though?


The same reason any thread is made, to discuss the topic.

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The orders were to BUNCH UP in a PILE at the bottom of cell stairs. Not to unstack. So it was impossible to kill you and the others without free killing. The smart move was to mute you guys. Which fair did

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Again, as written, I and the other T's did nothing wrong and should not have been muted. I mean, I could make an abuse thread if you want, but I decided to just discuss the matter.


Frankly I was just throwing it all out there but you seem to be taking this personally for some reason. Chill out man.

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The orders were to BUNCH UP in a PILE at the bottom of cell stairs. Not to unstack. So it was impossible to kill you and the others without free killing.


So if a T in a stack has a gun you just taze everyone? No, you tell them to unstack. If a single T in a stack is doing something wrong you don't punish everyone, you figure out a way to deal with the rebel. That's the point.

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Do you not understand that it was not just you mic spamming? There were others doing it. Of you read my post you could see that. Your just reading bits of my post or something cuz that's all you're taking out from it. Many people were mic spamming they were muted.


If a T had a gun you COULD order him to unstack because FOUR MEMBERS of the T team weren't spamming and the unstack order could be heard. If FOUR MEMBERS OF THE T TEAM were mic spamming them it couldn't be heard. Not just one. FOUR.

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If a T had a gun you COULD order him to unstack because FOUR MEMBERS of the T team weren't spamming and the unstack order could be heard. If FOUR MEMBERS OF THE T TEAM were mic spamming them it couldn't be heard. Not just one. FOUR.


I do understand. And this is exactly what Aegean wants to clear up.

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Just saying, T's are allowed to mic spam over warden's orders to delay and fuck they up it is a form rebel also the only real reason to mute t's is if they are just screaming into the mic for no reason at all, i have been told this was the rule for it. also best thing to do is scream unstack shoulder to shoulder and freeze over them and kily who arnt then kill the spamers, it's what i did when this would happen.

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