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Bullshit ban. 10se1ucgo

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1. 10sec it is more then jut mic spamming.

2. you have been kicked BY ME 10+ times for SCREAMING INTO YOU MIC AS ROUND ENDS AND DURING ROUND.

3. First ban or not you knew this was going to happen i WARNED you it would if you kept doing it

4. you KEPT doing it <.<


yes a week was a bit much but honestly you do it atleast 5 times a map and it causes problems. you sound young we have asked you not to use your mic as often, yet you still do and scream into it. you know you deserved the ban.





Also mcneo you banned one person for calling you an idiot, and threaten to ban me for asking why you did it, then you quit xG yet your still here why? fuck off i do not abuse.

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sigh, first off, if hes been kicked/warned 10+ times, why the FUCK hasnt he been banned before? since this is his first ban, a week is obviously way over the top, cause theres nothing on record that proves that hes been banned before, and him being kicked/warned 10+ times is all hearsay, so i cant exactly trust it.


if he was that big of a problem, he should've been dealt with earlier, and not left with a slap on the wrist 10+ times, than hit with a week ban without any previous bans, do your jobs mods, and act accordingly, not wait till someone pokes u enough times to break the skin and cause u to overreact


-unbanned because a week ban is too much and he has no previous bans


-sealed away in the last great time war

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