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How to Get Better At CS:S!

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This will be a guide for people who want to get seriously better at this game, scrimming, aiming, etc.


It will be broken down into 6 parts:

1. Sensitivity(Bryce)

2. Aiming, Pre-Aiming, and Positioning(Excision)

3. Flashes and Nades(Bryce)

4. Basic Game Sense(Excision)

5. Holding Your Spot(Triggertwitch)

6. Rotating(Triggertwitch)


If you really want to get better at CS:S, take this guide to heart.



If you have any questions, you can add us on steam and ask.

Triggertwitch: Steam Community :: Error

Excision: Steam Community :: Excision

Bryce: Steam Community :: Error


Hope this helps :]


Also, watch these videos! NetcodeGuides.com

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Picking your sensitivity is a big part of Counter Strike. Having too high or too low for you by even .1 can make or break a match win. There is a thing called True Sensitivity, and what it is, is well your actual true sensitivity. Your true sensitivity is measured by this:

In-Game Sensitivity x Mouse DPI x Windows Sensitivity


You can find your mouse dpi by googling your mouse, and what it is is how many dots per inch your mouse moves.

Your windows sensitivity is measured by this:

1. 0.03125

2. 0.0625

3. 0.25

4. 0.5

5. 0.75

6. 1.

7. 1.5

8. 2.

9. 2.5

10. 3.

11. 3.5


The default is 6, and is what most players use.

For example, my sensitivity ingame is 1.9. My DPI is 450, and my windows is 6.

So, 1.9 x 450 x 1 = 855, so the reality is when I move my mouse an inch, I move 855 dots ingame.

Before we go any further, sensitivity is all about PREFERENCE. If you prefer a high sensitivity, then use a high sensitivity. If you prefer low, use low. There are benefits of both. But, generally speaking, the higher your sensitivity is, the worse you'll be at long range combat, and the lower it is, the worse you'll be at close up combat.

Most awpers use a lower sensitivity, partly because it leaves a smaller margin to miss. A rifler with a lower sensitivity usually plays the game controlled, while a rifler with a higher sensitivity usually will go in trying to get an entry frag or close up rifle.

A person with a low sens usually has lower than 900 true sens, with middle sens being around 900 - 1200, and anything above 1200 is pretty damn high.


Open your steam library, right click on Counter-Strike: Source, go to properties, Set Launch Options, then put this in: -noforcemspd -noforcemaccel -noforcemparms


Next, if you have Windows 7, go here: Windows Mouse Things: The MarkC Windows 10 + 8.1 + 8 + 7 Mouse Acceleration Fix and download whichever applies to you.

What these things do is remove all Mouse Acceleration from the game, meaning your true sensitivity will never change no matter how fast you move your mouse.

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There are a few ways to improve aiming. First of all, deathmatching is the number one way!

You will get into a hell of a lot more shoot outs then in a non dm server.

When I DM, i usually just do a set number of frags 100 ak/100 m4. Usually have a deagle equipped also.

Most of your kills while deathmatching will usually are due to an unfair advantage to you.

The thing you must focus on is the select few times you come face to face with an enemy, while having

the same oppurtunity to kill you as you have to kill him, if you kill him? great! Did you control your burst or spray perfectly?

Did you strafe perfectly making him miss all his shots while you hit yours? If you fail to kill the enemy, think of what you

could of done better, you will have a great chance to try again soon since it is a death match server.



The second way to improve aim, is aimmapping!

Aim maps are a great way to work on aim and positioning, you don't get spawns where you can get gayed like a deathmatch server.

You won't get shot in the back, and you won't rape 100 enemies in the back.

The big thing to work on here is crosshair placement and movement. You wouldn't re peek the same box on aim_map,

so why re peek any angle? Your setting yourself up for death, an enemy already pre aimed at angle you just peaked, usually has

a huge advantage on you.


Aiming is all about muscle memory/reflex. Where you position your crosshair, and how you prepare is what is difficult about aiming.


Where you position yourself, and where you position your crosshair will decide if you or the enemy will get the frag!

knowing where your enemies will peak from, and where to place your crosshair in regards to that will give you an instant advantage!


Left eye peeks.


when you strafe peek an angle, where your left eye will see the enemy before your right eye, you will have a huge advantage, you will

be able to see your enemies head, before they can see yours. It is not a bug, nor a glitch, but just the way the game works, so keep

that in mind!


P.S. My paragraphs are haggard :)

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Flashes and Nades


To truly be good at this game, you need to master nades.

1. HE Grenades

Frag grenades can be used for multiple reasons, 1 being to know if an enemy is nearby. Say you think someone is cat, and you throw an he grenade at him, the grenade will make a different sound if it hits him then it will if he isn't here, so when it makes that different sound, you know there is an enemy on cat and call it to your teammates.

Another could be that you're in a fight with someone, and you've lit him up bad, but hes running away. That HE grenade can mean he doesn't get to escape.


2. Flash Grenades


Flashes can EASILY make or break a match. If you can flash an enemy, he is the easiest kill in the world. Say you are trying to hold a spot, and you hear the t's coming, and you flash them, suddenly they're all chickens with their heads cut off!

Though flashes can be nice, you should never risk your life to throw a flash. Say, you're in B tunnels as a terrorist on Dust2. You want to flash the dude who is peaking from insite B. You do NOT want to run into the open, throw a flash, then run away. You don't want him to see you, just throw the flash to where it bounces off the tunnel walls then insite to B. You never, ever, want to risk your life to throw a flash.

Now for counter-flashing, say you are a ct holding a spot, and you get flashed. You don't want to just hide in a corner and hope to God they don't see you, you want to throw a flash back at them before you hide, to give you time to recover from the flash, and hopefully they might still be flashed by the time you are not, depending on how good the counter flash was.


3. Smoke Grenades


First things first, you never want to rush through a smoke. What happens, is you run through that smoke, and when you're at of it, you suddenly have to check all the spots where the enemy could be at at once. It's a deathtrap. That being said, throwing a smoke at a rushing enemy is a good idea, as long as you have time to let the smoke pop and they have to rush through it. Smokes are good for that reason, and you can pop it in a spot that you want to go past without fear of the enemy shooting you as you rush by it.

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Basic Game Sense.


okay, so i'm gonna talk about how you can tell what to do better in game, then being confused and getting owned.

First, sound is a huge factor in this game, if someone calls you a soundwhore, tell them that they are a fool.

If you can hear your enemy coming, you have an instant advantage, almost like wallhacks, after a while of playing

you will really get your timing down on when they come around the corner, for an easy headshot.


Knowing when to push, and when not to push is a huge thing. Let's say, your up banana on t side inferno, at car, you hear

4 cts rushing down banana, do you run out and try to get a 4k? giving yourself a huge disadvantage? no.

you SHOULD, IF you have a flash, try to time it perfectly, peek out try to get some frags while they are blind, and high tail

it out of there.


ESEA and playing scrimmage, gives you a lot better game sense then playing jailbreak all day!


even pubbing will help you get this in game knowledge to help you own scrubs!


i am working on game sense myself at this moment, so sorry this part of the tutorial is so short, noone can really teach game sense, it

is something you need to learn yourself.


P.S. i am a scrub at making tutorials so hate me if you will! :D

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Holding A Position


In any given match, each player is given a certain position to maintain on the CT side, the point of this is to prevent the Opposing team from breaking through with a rush and simply planting the bomb. Holding a spot prevents the terrorist team from doing so. A entry frag may not always be a great thing because if you die while pushed up, it leaves the rest of the people at the bomb site one man down and forces the live players to watch extra entries.


So to hold a position, the main thing to do is to use your grenades smartly, and not just through them for the hell of it. Some tips with nade usage are, when using a flash, instead of peaking a corner to throw it, use angles to bounce it off, a peak will allow the enemy player a shot at you, however if you flash and make a quick peak while they are blind it allows you to gather information you need to call and hold your position stronger. Also, the smoke grenade makes the same bounce noise as a flash grenade, so use this as an advantage. If you are being pushed, don't spray all of your ammo away, because players will wait for the reload then come full force on your ass.



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There are two big parts to Rotation, Rotating itself, and calling for your team to rotate. First, I will cover when to call the rotation. For an example, say you are playing apartments ct side on de_inferno, And you peak the corner and see one terrorist coming, if you get a shot on him, great, but quickly peak back and check the Minimap to see if he is the bomb carrier, if not, DO NOT CALL IT YET. If you want to call however "I have one in apartments" for your team to be more aware at the other parts around the apartments, then you can. ONLY CALL A ROTATION IF YOU HAVE THE BOMB CARRIER THERE! If you call the rotation to early and they have only one or two coming apartments, then (ALWAYS leave a person at a bombsite if there is a possibility of them coming to it) the person at the other bomb site could be over run by the rest of the terrorist simply because of a miss call.



But say we're back in the apartments but you don't see or hear anyone, and you hear your team call the rotate, DO NOT take any given path just because it is faster. You want to take a safe rotation because you will do no good to your team with you dead. Use smokes, if needed, to block off a position where you must run through an open spot if you need to, because in many cases you will get picked by a random sniper accrossed the map if you just free run. If you make it back to the site before the bomb site is over taken, double up on needed spots and hold them back! If they stop the push, it is safe to return to your spot, in the case the apartments, in case the Terrorists try for a quick switch on the bomb sites.



~TriggerTwitch, i hoped this helped.

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