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propose a change to MOTD for surf rpg dm

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i would like to propose a change to the motd for surf rpg dm, specifically, the "* NO SPAWN CAMPING/KILLING --" part:


DO NOT FIRE INTO, AT or CAMP the enemies spawn points -- This includes areas that spawn you above, below or anywhere AROUND the enemies spawn area with intention to kill. No matter the location, if you are caught firing at the enemies within there spawn or camp their spawn, you will be banned.


i would like to change the "do not fire into, at..." so that players can shoot into spawn but only if they are far enough away that they wont be hitting everyone in spawn with their bullets, the distance would be determined by an xG member with the highest ranking member in the server having the final say. it would also not be "one size fits all", some maps have their spawns right next to each other and ppl can just shoot into the other teams spawn from their own spawn. it should be something along the lines of that, i dont quite know how to phrase it into the motd, but u should get the idea of what im saying. i would like it changed because ive seen more than enough of my fair share of ppl just going to a higher place and shooting down below into spawn only to be told that they cant shoot into spawn and that they can only kill ppl outside spawn. also ppl shoot others from their own spawn and its usually when one team has 3 or 4 more players than the other and it makes sense considering that if they were to leave their spawn they would easily get killed due to numbers. it would also clarify questions about whether ppl can go into the other spawns and kill afk ppl, by changing it, they would shoot afk ppl from outside spawn in a far enough away place that it wouldnt be considered spawncamping.

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i still consider places that though it may be far from spawn but still hitable wouldn't be allowed , i also think we should probally try to get an afk bot onto surf dm for those who afk to long will than be moved to specator so the game can move on, So theres not much to change so if u want something change give us the rule and explain the reason ... Example - "No Spawn camping" - would be unfair for other team because they cannot get you

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ah, is it possible to change the motd so that players can shoot out of their spawn? this is assuming that only a handful of ppl are in spawn and not the whole team?

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