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I am streaming again, games suggested by the community! [MEDIA=twitch]channel=chronosknight[/MEDIA]


First Games is Paranormal (Suggested by Stence) [some sort of "Scary" game, indie, based off paranormal activity]

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Double post. GG


Game 1 Paranormal, piece of shit free version 4.0 not good, not spending $30 on the full version of crap


Game 2 SCP-087-B, pretty good! :D i got down to floor 22? i think. i took the first right, because i said a quote from one of my favorite movies ever "mama always said to go the right way" (if you name the movie and you weren't in the stream i love you.) Then i got to the next part where i could choose a path after about 7 floors after going right. they told me to go left. i did. went down 5 floors before the fatal 22nd floor because it wouldn't give me the option to choose another path, so essentially they led me to death.


Game 3 SCP-087, (Stair Simulator) Walked down 55 floors (died on 56th), in this EPIC STAIR SIMULATOR!!!! (10 steps per flight of stairs, 2 flights per floor, 1100 steps, and the SCP guy got me, not like i can avoid it or anything... :|


Game 4 IWBTG (While waiting for slender to finish DL'ing I remember this game from being a kid, and now i can play it again! right? no fuck this game. it's just as fucking annoying as i remember it, only i couldn't even beat the first fucking level before i rage quit.


Game 5 Slender, started out went to the bathroom or whatever the fuck the building is, to start the game and grabbed the page in there (ultimate strategy since you have to turn around and run out the way you came [fastest] and the more pages you have, then the slenderman will be waiting for you...) got 3 more instantly after that pretty easy, they said they wanted me to face the slenderman in fistucuffs and i lost :( round 2 same starting strategy building then oil tanks, then wherever else, got 4 instantly spent next 15 minutes running around finding nothing, ran through the pipe about 1623978461298374691236 times expecting a fucking page. no page. saw slenderman behind me, turned and ran, fuzz disapeared for a few seconds, and while still holding shift and running, my guy suddenly turns and gets eaten by the slenderman, didn't have a chance to fight it. Rage Quit. fuck that game. so fucking stupid.

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