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It's about that time

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My time here in xG has been fun, but its time for me to leave. I'm not going to be on for probably days at a time due to football, school, work, parties, taking care of my neices and my girlfriend. It's my senior year and I need to say focused for football and my academics. I've had offers for minor/shitty schools and I want this year to be great to get offers in better places. It's my senior year. I barely have time for my girlfriend let alone xG.


So this is my resignation. I'll miss a lot of you guys, and on the other hand I'll be happy to not have to hear most of your idioccricy. Seriously, some of you guys are just dumbasses ;). Haha I hope that xG stays fruitful and continues to prosper. I know you guys will.


I will also be deleting Steam and CS:S. I don't know if I'll re-install it in the future but for now it will be gone. I might drop in on the forums from time to time but that's it.


I guess it's just time for me to grow up and take on my responsibilities.


Later guys~

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God dammit...

Good luck with your life man. I've been playing with you since the start... You were always a role model as an admin and now a div leader.

Kinda at a loss for words right now lol

Peace man <3

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Good luck with everything man. You were one of the higher ups I always looked up to in my time here. You were always able to resolve issues on our forums with the intensity of a co-leader and I believed that you deserved the position as co.. And it makes me sad that someone that I've known in the clan for so long is leaving :(


Good luck with your senior year man. Have fun. You will truly be missed. And if you ever choose to install again, hop onto css for old times sake. See ya later big guy <3

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Well ive worked with papi for a while and is honestly one of the wisest people i know. He does his duty as a div and when i had to discuss something i could always go to him!


No idea who can replace your position papi but you will be missed me and thats coming from some JIHAD gay sexual love. Take care man

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