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Wave - Application

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I don't believe in long introductions so.. I'm wave, I've been gaming for a very long time, i've been admin/moderator of a few game communities and clans, most notably www.puggaming.net Steam Community :: Group :: PugGaming Events and more was admin/co-founder.


I now reside in garrysmod, I've bounced around a lot of TTT servers, but yours seems to be the most mature of all the little kids in garrysmod and seems to be the most fun.

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+0 you called me a little kid :c



but srs i'll +1 when i see how active you are.


I remember calling someone a little kid, but It wasn't directed at you. Pretty sure it was because someone RDM'd me and then continued to argue in spec/dead chat when he got shot. I'm not sure. It's not a big dealio.


Also unless it was in chat, it wasn't me. You muted me because I didn't realize I had my mic button binded on shift and I'm used to sprinting from darkrp, so I always hold down shift while moving.

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I remember calling someone a little kid, but It wasn't directed at you. Pretty sure it was because someone RDM'd me and then continued to argue in spec/dead chat when he got shot. I'm not sure. It's not a big dealio.


Also unless it was in chat, it wasn't me. You muted me because I didn't realize I had my mic button binded on shift and I'm used to sprinting from darkrp, so I always hold down shift while moving.


OH YA i remember you >.< i kept screaming to turn it off lol +1 never do that again tho it was ear shattering annoying xD also u still muted? we dotn have perma mute so at end of map it unmutes.

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Finally saw him tonight. He seems cool and stuff so +1

Active and Mature. I guess this means he's in now huh?

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