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Map Maker, Map Maker, Make Me A Map (And Models)

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Ok guys. So it seems that the Fat Kid game mode is going through. Starbuck will be making the game mode itself, but we still need a starter map to see how popular the game mode will be and some models for the fat and skinny kids.


So the reason for this thread being made is so that we can get some people in the community to make us some models and maps. We really only need 1 map to start, and 2 models (one for fat and one for skinny). But if we can get more than that more people will play.


So for now this is only volunteer work, but later down the line I may provide some sort of prize if in the end this succeeds.


If you wanna sign up post below and add me on steam: Steam Community :: Cool Guy so that I can tell you how each map needs to be made.


If you are making any character models it is completely up to you how to make them. I dont care how they look like as long as they arnt offensive. And they need to be fat or skinny, so make sure that they dont look too big or too skinny because they still need to look like they would have the same hit boxes.

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