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favourite tv show

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so what do xG members watch? id like to see if there is similarity in the shows, try to follow my format so its easier to read


show: doctor who

whats it about: a 900 year old time traveller who travels the universe (parallel too) going on adventures with his companions (ppl that go with him) and he fixes events in history so they happen the way they happen and he travels in a blue police box that is bigger on the inside

why: show doesnt stay in one point of time, this means that it has unlimited possibilities because the main character can travel to any point in time and space

what makes it stand out from the others: longest running sci fi in history (1967?-present), main character is the same throughout, but the actors change because through a process called regeneration where the doctor's body changes all his cells to prevent death and gains a new body with new personality etc, but still keeps his knowledge

whos ur favourite character: the tenth doctor

favourite episode(s): blink (scary *** episode)

favourite quote: a man who never would - the doctor

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show: Tosh.0

what is it about: Internet Videos, and ragging on them.

why: Funny.

what makes it stand out from the others: Tosh himself. Period.

whos ur favourite character: See above.

favourite episode(s): All are the same.

favourite quote: Idfk, every one he's made.

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Favorite show: Adventure Time.


Worst Show Ever: Tim and Eric.

What it's about: two F*ggots with a Greenscreen having sex.

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show: Manswers

what is it about: Girls, Guns, etc.

why: HAWT

what makes it stand out from the others: First show with b00bs actually in it. trollface.png

whos ur favourite character: O_o

favourite episode(s): IDK :D

favourite quote: "World's largest b00bs"

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I don't watch TV anymore because of the internet.



Same, screw TV. But In all honesty I ued to love Manswers and 1000 ways to die. Spike is just great, end of story.

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HA, i laugh at the idea of being an amurican, no offense or anything, but america hasnt been doing so well these past 10-15 yrs or so. btw im not trying to start an "america sucks because:..." argument or anything.

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we have a better military, better constitustion, better weather, hotter women, a more interesting history, better cars, better architecture, and better athletes.


maybe. but their weed is decriminalized.

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