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Rypast abusing disrespecting and threating players

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Mike, i dont have any problems with ya, but in the time i was on i dont see him disrespecting or threatining, from what i heard was that you had told him he doesnt do anything as a mod, now whether you did or didnt, i dont know, i wasnt on until maybe like 3rd and 4th pic,im not -1'ing this because i never actually saw whether he did or didnt in the pic, bt within my time he didnt, +0.

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As i can see, does the pics not show the disrespect, and anything about him spawn killing.

Did he disrespect over mic, and how did he disrespect?

Let us also hear @@Rypast6 s vision of this.

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your pics don't really show him threatening you except for one picture. i never see him abuse or disrespect any 1 like you said. i play there on surf all the tie with him. i see more people talking about you complaining than anything about rypast disrespecting or abusing. granted i was not there, i am just throwing in my 2 cents. i dont see why you would report him for something minor like this.

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I think this shit is just childish,pointless and way overboard.

This all resulted because rypast didn't slay someone for "spawn killing", I don't blame him because he said he didn't see the person do it at the time, and he isn't just gonna slay the person for no reason.


This whole thread should be ignored because honestly Rypast could have banned you and he didn't. You should have just dropped it in the first place, yes he "threatened" to ban you and that was because you were being annoying and pretty much everyone in the server was getting frustrated with it.

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Rypast said he recorded it all so maybe you can ask him for the recording, he might have been bluffing I don't know though. I remember Rypast being mad at Mike and calling him an asshole and Mike being mad back. There wasnt any real yelling per say but they both wernt pleased. Rypast said surf hasnt been fun since Mike has been on and threatened to ban him, Mike was complaining about how bad a mod Rypast is.


Both were being kind of rude but I think Rypast was not in a good mood which helped the fight ._. He hasnt been happy recently and it shows. If Rypast has a recording it will be hard to tell whats going on because folk are so spammy on mic (I am also at fault ^^;)


Hope I helped? :D

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theres no proof that he was abusing, breaking rules or anything rly, and the part about banning u for no reason isnt even him for sure, it just says ADMIN, u cant prove someone was spawnkilling with a console screenshot either


-sealed away in the last great time war

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