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CT Ban Appeal

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I was playing with a friend and he said to join his game. He didn't tell me what to do so I joined and thought it was team deathmatch. So go in and shoot 3 people and I didn't know what to do. They removed me from CT to T and now I'm banned from it. I would like to be unbanned because it's not fair. I was new to the server and I didn't know. My friend did it and it was an accident and he got a 1 hour CT banned when i get a permanent.

Sorry my mistake. DONT POST ANYTHING

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lol , well 2 start off , this is a "Ban Request" meaning u want to ban someone for breaking rules or doing something not allowed of some sort , 2 if u want to get unbanned , go and post a thread on "Ban Protest" and then maybe we can help u.:tiger:

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1. You don't start on CT so you must of knowlingly typed !guard.

2. I don't think it could be more clear how it is not deathmatch if you take 2 seconds to look at what is going on.

3. Stop lying.

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You should reflect on your actions; for example, the "1" in your name must be change to "n" in order to fit your criteria for the fact that you don't have the intellectual capacity of realizing that the server was Jailbreak with all the jail "cells." I'm sorry if I'm a dick, but God damn son: that was blatantly obvious. Stop being so blatant son.

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