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Cristo (please read)

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I hate busting people, especially my friends, but this was kind of obvious.

Ok so we all have those moments when we're like "omg I flashed him how is he not blind" right? Well I noticed this happened way too much with cristo. I would flash right at him, push in, and he'd shoot me. I just brushed it off, until...

Today we were scrimming on contra. I got shot in the back, so I rounded the corner, turned around, and threw a flash. I peaked after the flash went off, there were 2 people, I believe I killed 1, but promptly got shot by cristo (note: the other guy was clearly blind). This confused me, so I pmed him. He ignored it. I asked him in ts and in game chat, still nothing. So, I downloaded the demo, and found this.

JustBeamIt - file transfer made easy (link to demo)

Skip to about 101,000 or 102,000.

Notice how the flash lands right at his feet, he looks directly at it, and is NOT blind.

Thanks for your time. Maybe this is a whole misunderstanding.

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There have been times where Billy and I have gotten a flash right on our feet and he wouldn't get flashed because of our server or cuz CS:S blows (loljk it's our server). Anyways when a flash lands under you, it usually doesn't blind you (game glitch) and it's like your anus takes up all the impact I guess. I dunno, I personally don't think anything of it since this has happened to me and billy before.


I'm personally -1, but I wouldn't mind for more experienced players to leave better judgement

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Download link isn't there anymore but this situation sounds like something that often happens when the flash lands at a persons feet and is completely ineffective which is just gaben's fault.


So no chetz here.



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