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WarZ Diary

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Day 1:


WarZ is the best game ever. Like. The night sky. Its like someone spilled cocaine a glass table and put a fan up against it. I can see ever single star in the universe lmfao. Ive given up on finding a gun. Im just killing players in spawn and taking their granola. Just like how the zombie apocalypse should be. Sprint takes to long to regen. Zombies aparently like being beaten to death with flashlights because they just flail around like zoidberg going uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Fighting players with flash lights is just amazing. Like. Its the best. I love it. Im not even joking. We have made a 5v5 flash light fight in spawn and it was the best thing ever. WarZ is going to be great.

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People love Day Z more than War Z. It's because Day Z is the mod of Arma2 (which is the realist FPS game ever). Day Z has base line but War Z is just Game just trying to be like Day Z.


And of Couse Day Z is much much better. But War Z is still in alpha, so you don't know <.<

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Day 2: After creating the max of 5 characters alive at once, I decided to actually give a fuck with naming them. Their names are Axel Foley, Nicholas Cage, Leeroy Jenkins, Bill Murry, and my main character being Harvey Dent (the best name ever). After that the granola wars continued. I found a bat. There was no survivors.

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Day 3:


Zombies like to play red light green light. When you jump on a car they are still agroed on you but dont move. I took too much time playing with them that someone came up behind me with a flashlight and killed me, stealing my bat. Also, flashlight damage is now reduced by alot though they increased how often items dropped they did this for flashlights as well. This then kept the same drop ratio. I noticed this after I walked into a police station and found 20+ flashlights laying on the floor and then one mag for a pistol. I heard gun shots from a carbine also. I ran towards the sounds only to find a guy shooting about 30+ zombies just circled around a car. They decided to agro on me. Nicholas Cage is no longer with us.


Side Note: Our WarZ server will be up pretty soon here. So please add me or post here if you will be on so I can send you the password to the server.

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Day 4:


I teamed up with one of my friends IRL. We got stuck in a firefight between a awp and a m16. We snuck around to the building that had the Awper in it. He shot me in my leg almost killing me while we took our hammers and beat the shit out of him. We now have a Awp and a 9mm pistol. My friend put it in his global inventory only to find out that from now on you have to be in one of the safe settlements to be able to access it now! And they havent even released safe settlements yet! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

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