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Time period

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I would go back to the revolutionary/enlightenment period with a huge duffel bag like one for the army. in the bag would be an m4a1 or an ak, whichever sounds more fun to me at the time of my time travel. plenty of ammo for it, plenty of pistol ammo, and plenty of 50 cal rounds for a sniper i would have on my back and the m1911 on my hip. along with it i would bring a hoody and a thick jacket for the extra cold. some extra shoes for when they wear down over time. and then i would also stuff in it a TON of blueprints for different inventions and stuffz. i would also bring along a NICE COMFORTABLE pillow and a good throw blanket for night comfort. and a small 1-2 person tent. i would bring also 2 small flashlights that are very high powered, and batteries for them to replace 4 times each. and 2 small laser pointers (one that the laser can be seen [the astrology professor ones that can be purchased online]) and a regular one, for many reasons. and batteries for both of those. i would bring along a small hammer, and some basic hand tools. for example a screwdriver (one of the interchangable ones that are magnetized) a calculator and batteries (my TI-83 graphing one [this goes along with all the blueprints]) some rubbing alcohol bandaids gauze and medical tape, along with tweezers. in my pocket would also be a pocket knife. and on my hip would also be a very sharp very good knife. not sure which brand yet, because i am still in the process of purchasing a few more for my personal knife collection. a small hatchet also. and SEVERAL LIGHTERS AND SOME LIGHTER FLUID. (possibly a butterfly just for shits and giggles) now onto the why of bringing these certain things. (ps bottles of water are in there.)


The guns. simple for my personal protection. the pistol is on my hip because i don't know where i would pop out at. and the sniper is on my back because of the fact it wont really fit in my bag but once i pop out if there are issues, i'm fairly confident that I am a decent shot with a pistol that one clip in it should suffice if there are issues. otherwise i'm fucked either way. however since during this period they are using muskets they are going to be very inaccurate. so i am also confident that when i drop my bag right after getting out there and put the rifle down, i could be fast enough that if i am out of bullets because there are more than i thought, or because there are only a few that would consider me dangerous but didn't notice that i could sneak up or run up without getting shot fast enough to stab/slit throats.


now im done with popping up. i need a place to settle down and get adjusted pull out my tent set it up get my pillow etc. pull out my assault rifle load it up and load my rifle rifle. reload my pistol set the 2 rifles down in a easy to get area for me. and have pistol on me. just incase. now im ready, change into clothes for whatever the weather is. pack up after i wake up and travel to the closest city, things in the bag except pistol with 3 extra loaded clips in my pocket incase i need to use it. try to get in with the city, and get to work taking over as town leader, by force if necessary. (i hope i pop out in somewhere english speaking then it would be easier to negotiate and talk my way in if not i have to do by force til i get to somewhere that speaks english.)


all the medical supplies and the tools should be fucking obvious. not gonna explain. you should figure it out.


now that i have forced my way to a leading role or convinced my way to a leading role in said city that speaks english with my skills, and stuff i brought. i would begin the real work which would be "inventing" everything majorly important and also educating with my future knowledge. i would try to industrialize the entire nation i am in many decades ahead of schedule according to history. and with the help of blueprints etc that i brought with me and my knowledge that i have, it should work. andthen proceed to rule the country in a democracy (sincerely hope it is america) and if it is i would fix the political system for what i think is wrong with it. and not have many friends at all because honestly they are too stupid for me and it helps me watch corruption.


then now the entire history is changed i have become probably the single most important person in the world. there would be a Connor ***** day all throughout that gives me praise and remembers me. and my life will be complete.

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I'd probably go back to the pioneer times when people were still moving west. I'd pilot a helicopter and watch people freak out as I flew over them. Then I'd just blow up some stuff.

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I would go back to the first world war and help out England own Germany some more :P and of course bring some blueprints to some high tech tanks and planes :P and end Hitler before he started.

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I would go back to the first world war and help out England own Germany some more :P and of course bring some blueprints to some high tech tanks and planes :P and end Hitler before he started.


See mark, my HIGHLY DETAILED plan would put america so far ahead of other countries that there should never be an issue. when it comes to the world wars, nobody would want to fuck with america or their allies, because if I do it right, there wouldn't be corruption and nobody would be selling our secrets to any other nation that we would be able to keep a MAJOR technological lead on everyone in the world, thus if fucking with america or it's allies at a time the other nation would be instantly fucked. and some of the blueprints would be for nukes and reactors, giving them the ultimate advantage in war.

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I would have to say, go back to the Battle of Thermopylae in a B- 17 Flying Fortress (Why? Because it is the most awesome bomber ever built. 'Nuff Said.) That way the history books would forever read that an angel sent down his wrath and demolished the Persian army. No one would ever remember the Spartans. Nice and concise.

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