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Shiro/Nano/Jisk Freeslaying/Harsh Judgement

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Generally, Shiro is an asshat to people he doesn't like. From unfair freeslaying to unfair teambans, he does it just because he wants to. As seen in the proof, I was killing a rebel who was delaying and button spamming. I probably shot through the wall, I'm not sure how I hit shiro, but it was 1 hit for 14 damage..


CT Ban


Not sure if it's only me (the freeslaying and teambans), but he's done it multiple times. I'm getting tired of this, and I just want something done.

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i talked with shiro, i told him that it was a freeslay on his part and to slay himself and he did. no reason for an abuse thread on him cause of one freeslay which he apologized for


-sealed away in the last great time war

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