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    Site Is Up!


    Greetings everyone. As all of you will know the website was down for quite some while. Now it is time to explain what has happened and assure you all, this will not happen again.


    First, some backstory for those who do not understand technology well. As everyone knows, we have a search bar, a simple search bar, but it was considered "public" from coding standards. Which refers to that anyone in the public world can access the search bar, meaning, if in any case it was insecure, someone can search for an exploit and use it for their own gain. Which is exactly what happened.


    Now the details, someone found an exploit in our searching script and used it for their own gain, uploading a DoS (Denial of Service) script, using it to take down other networks. Due to us not knowing this was going on, NFOServers throttled us (limited our bandwidth) to an amount that's too low for anyone to connect to the website. As we thought we found the exploit, NFO lifted the throttle, unfortunately we did not know it was the search bar. So the hacker exploited it again and used the same dos script. Again, NFOServers limited our network speed. After a much longer while, until today, we figured the true issue. Which we fixed and now we got the throttle lifted.


    Important Information:

    Since the search bar was a limited user interface there was NO breach or leak of user information of anything. Everyone's information is safe, hence we do not need you to change your passwords or feel freaked out.


    If anyone has any questions or concerns, please contact me instead of @Rhododendron

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