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Posts posted by Duckii

  1. Well anyways, If any mod/admin see abuse of this taser please slay them immeditely and warn them not to abuse it. If they continue to do this Ctban, Im getting messages saying they're being tazed on lr , Or being killed for delaying because they were Tazed and couln't move. This is really annoying now lol.

  2. well It was not silence, So dont rage at him about this. It was Excision when he was co ldr of xG. He had gotten the super moderator power on the forums and after all the post tha ghost buster made he probally got mad and banned him with that reason.

  3. sounds fine to me ... They must buy the taser and only allowed 1 use like a bomb :D. That would make it more even hehe since bombs... sometime don't work and u get urself killed for jumping out of the crowd and all the hear is a beep.

  4. yeh, um i guess you may be unban since, i am unable to find out who ct banned you because the list is to long and there is no way i can just search you up, So if any mods or admin see him please unctban. Thnx

  5. these guys are only able to join because of you guys , If they are under 16 they are needed of 3 vouches total. We do not allow people in under 16 without vouches. So if they're Disrespectful just post a member protest, Or daily watch member application and -1 with a good reason for people that wants to join us are disrespectful and such.

  6. xglogo2p.png

    After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers!


    Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process.


    Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban.


    If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and TeamSpeak 3.


    Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is voice.xenogamers.com

  7. Alright Your being unbanned as of now , But being banned from Ct for a week until u know the rules much better . If you are caught by any mod / Admin Purposely Breaking server rules , Mic spamming constantly , Or Trolling other players/members/Admins or mod , The admins and mod has permission to Ban your for a week.

  8. howz about quit fighting and so , a spray down within 2 second kill 5 ct in 1 area is possible. end of story, i shall speak with quaratine of this , If he did not see this and banned because he saw the kills u shall be unban.

  9. xglogo2p.png

    After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers!


    Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process.


    Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban.


    If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and TeamSpeak 3.


    Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is voice.xenogamers.com

  10. lol ... and people believed u can't get vacced cause of scripts haha, and thats why u double check with actually hackers :3, Also you should always have a alternate acc just in case something like this happends