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Posts posted by Duckii

  1. tip on strat 3 incase of awper mid of d2 , Suggested try smoking mid and cat - The awper can see cat even if u smoked mid.


    Also for strat 5 :3

    3 buy smokes and flash

    Rush tun to lower

    the 3 flash and smoke cat

    Rush mid to b :D?


    Also this is T^ Strats-

  2. Mkay well First off a 10 man is a 5 v 5 scrim against eachother for fun :D. Ok well im hoping to make a daily/Weekly 10 man with the clan so we can get in some practice on scrimming / Shooting / Strats/ And For funnn :D!.


    First we'll Only need 10 players total (1 must be an admin), After we sorted things out with the players , We move on to getting 2 captains that will than choose who they want on they're team. First they'll knife eachother in mid, The winning Captain will get to choose either The side they want (Ct or T) or First pick and they'll be placed on T. After the team are picked the Admin will than Lo3 and the Scrim against eachother will begin.


    So Yeh, This can be good practice for all members, Also this will help out our scrim team to understand more and get better.

    This will Begin each day of the Week for now At 5:00 Pm Est / 4:00 M Cen / 3:00 mnt/ 2:00 pm Pacific. If this time don't Work out than it will be Changed.


    If u think u Can not make it and u really want to play just let me know what time you can play and maybe i can reschedule the time.

    Don't worry if the game is full, You still have a chance at playing because , A member may need to leave and we'll need a 10th and we'll let you know and you can join. Just post so i can add you all incase we need a player :).


    Thanks for reading :), Hope you all enjoy this.

  3. they're admin are actually pretty active... I was banned from HG hide n seek for no reason, After i made a protest i was answered in a few second after posting, And was unbanned about a minute later.

  4. Rex all i said was Silence was the one who Banned him, He has his reasons for banning and doesn't need to let anyone know why. Also Rex im sure u can alrdy be banned because u constantly ignore admins, I've told u many time not to mic spam using hldj when its not a freeday or Warday and I've warned u with kicks aldy.


    So if u want tot know why He was banned ur going to have to ask Silence , Makin these threads jsut leads to disrespect and misunderstanding. ~Closed

  5. xglogo2p.png

    After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers!


    Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process.


    Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban.


    If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and TeamSpeak 3.


    Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is voice.xenogamers.com

  6. xglogo2p.png

    After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers!


    Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process.


    Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban.


    If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and TeamSpeak 3.


    Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is voice.xenogamers.com



    After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers!


    Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process.


    Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban.


    If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and TeamSpeak 3.


    Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is voice.xenogamers.com



    After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers!


    Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process.


    Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban.


    If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and TeamSpeak 3.


    Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is voice.xenogamers.com



    After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers!


    Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process.


    Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban.


    If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and TeamSpeak 3.


    Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is voice.xenogamers.com



    After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers!


    Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process.


    Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban.


    If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and TeamSpeak 3.


    Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is voice.xenogamers.com

  11. well i'd rather wait for vouches , So than we Don't bring in Big trollers and Disrespectful players.


    ---------- Post added at 03:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:14 PM ----------




    After careful examination, you have been accepted into Xeno Gamers!


    Please put [xG] in your Steam name to complete the submission process.


    Please read over all the rules so you can avoid a ban.


    If you want to get admin, be active on the forum and TeamSpeak 3.


    Our TeamSpeak 3 IP is voice.xenogamers.com