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Everything posted by Duckii

  1. Duckii

    Clan meeting?

    i don't think we need a meeting about admin abusers and rule breakers that all can be solved by admins and high up admins even normal players may report.. so no use in a meeting with all xG member , we have a rule and the rule is to be followed otherwise there are consequences for breaking them .
  2. Duckii


    yeh that sounds great so than people won't be confuse whos wardens because sometimes 2 Ct's gives order both saying there warden so they dont know who to listen to. :D
  3. um sir this wouldn't happend if u atleast tell them that they didn't listen to orders :p, otherwise u expect them spamming admin that they were freekilled so please next time let them know why u killed them .
  4. lol what are u talking about health
  5. all i can say many people say that i when they get a new mic they sound nearly the same to me.. but many don't want u as warden because your mic is to low for people to hear than u give order and kill those who couldn't hear you
  6. im pretty sure theres no age limit to be warden i remember hearing that its the maturity of your voice... and beside your mic is really low so its hard for many to hear u
  7. you did not get ban because you weren't to abusive we mean like rampage slay kicking and yeh
  8. kaka ... you do the same back >_< you annoy eachother why not just stop talking to eachother?
  9. Duckii

    New Group?

    mkay.... what ever you say
  10. Duckii

    New Group?

    if u didn't care what people think of you than why post the pointless thread about people not liking you ? :P
  11. look kaka stop raging hello... theres always people saying they've been repeatedly freekilled by you theres to many complains to really believe you anymore .. please just follow the rules more and explain to the people who you killed why u killed them... besides still takin action because there were no admin in the server until one was called in to slay u because of the belief that you freekilled even if u were to be killed by someone else its not a punish ... the only way to avoid the punish is to leave , the players forgive you or slaying urself otherwise slay is the punishment there... soo yeee try following and makin sure you listen to all the orders much more so not much people will complain about you freekilling
  12. Duckii

    New Group?

    noone would want to be in your group so whats the point xD? you should know that many people alrdy dislike you?
  13. Duckii

    Thanks Silence

    psh no not you someone else
  14. okay... Lets just say we could carry slays from one map to another if the last map people freekilled than it ended than it moved to the next map , so they get there punishment there... soo yeh just letting you know we should be able to carry a slay from 1 map to another :o.. so i don't think that would be abuse
  15. srry to say if he guns spam its just a slay besides no need to post here anymore michael is long gone i guess nvr saw him
  16. Duckii

    Thanks Silence

    lol haha right now i can tell you that when peolpe with no mic had to stay T there was only 2 willing Ct's to warden against 16 T's haha
  17. look... the laser is just like a normal gun u can kill anyone as u kill with guns just dont tk
  18. you cannot teamkill you can kill other people with it just not your own team... if u kill ur own team its a slay/kick/ban
  19. all i saw was that textual evidence but try following the template next time please and thnx :P ... and i see that he was teamkilling which wouldn't be good :o but thank you for reporting
  20. Duckii

    JailBreak Report

    ummmm... for admins if they're abusing for there own good peolpe can alway report that admin to admin abuse and follow the template just make sure you got evidience of that abuse. We know theres freeshooting and freekilling go on thats why more admins need to watch orders and kills more often because when someone said they got freekill many admins just ignore them which isn't so good. Also i dont know about the shoot print thing because alot of shooting and killing goes on which would probaly spam the chat :(.. so just watch The Ct's as i do and find the freeshooter Also , we don't need a command which tells People if there is any admins on the server because some people massive freekill when there isn't admin on so if there is a way to tell if admins are on, it wouldn't do any of us good A warden random chooser seems a bit hard in my eyes, so i don't know about that.. so we can just stick with having Wardens call for wardens at the beginning of a round also Ct's breaking vent is a slay/teambannable so if u see that person do it just slay him/her and give warning , if they do it again just teamban and make sure they dont get Ct again.. if you don;t know who did it just go to spectate and watch the vents and make sure noone on Ct's side broke it
  21. Duckii

    Ban Protest

    um kaka... i unteam banned you remember?
  22. Duckii


    ahahaha you mean that face that pops up each time silence join :)))??? it makes me laugh how people get so scared... alsoo i think allowing other Ct's to camp in place that they can keep under control when T's get in . But For last Ct's i dislike them camping Ex: At lego map Last ct hid in lr room in the very corner while T's ran around he sat in that corner forever!... took T's 2 minute to come and kill him which delay the game alot. yeh just tell the admin whos spammin to stop if they get muted and they unmute themself you can report unless they did it to tell People something important otherwise abuse :)?