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Everything posted by The_Towelboy

  1. It's a good installment so T's can't point fingers at the wrong person.
  2. Don't bitch about it Crazy. Save it for the butthurt rubuttle.
  3. The_Towelboy


    This doesn't really make sense.
  4. This is how I see Aram, an annoying 13 year-old kid who gripes and complains in Minecraft too much and all the other games he has. Him and Xeno Gamers just isn't a good match.
  5. Another edit, since he is good friends with me, he decided to kick kaka from the server when he was on CT to get me on it. That's some bullshit he's trying to get away with.
  6. That's what I call sexually frustrated.
  7. omglolwtfbbqhahahahaha
  8. I can make fucking good trailers if you guys want me to. :D
  9. The_Towelboy


    I didn't notice what he's been doing. O_o
  10. Yea Duckii was mic spamming the whole time she was on the minigames server yesterday. I just spoke what I had to say about this.
  11. The_Towelboy


    Not to mention the kids with squeaky voices that piss you off.
  12. Doesn't it irritate you guys with the mic-spamming plugin for the servers? Well I am. :P
  13. But of course Relic!
  14. The_Towelboy


    The lazor was fun to piss people off.
  15. The_Towelboy

    My sub clan

    My sub clan {UMAD} is open to anyone. Just ask me if you want to wear the tag.
  16. You have to specify freeze. For say don't move at all, that's specifying.
  17. Minecraft is a game where you are put on a random part of a world, where everything is made out of blocks. You can build things from a pickaxe, to a huge mansion on a mountain. It's only 14,95 euro, in USD it's only $20. I recommend you buy this game.
  18. We decided to wait till our servers become full. Then we will expand.
  19. Better than I would have done.
  20. I'm not joking about this, seriously. I want him to stop with this screamer.
  21. I wanted to let Silence know if he can stop with the screaming grudge, because I do have heart problems. It would be gladly appreciated if he can stop. Thanks :)
  22. I would be good for admin, I'm always active on the jailbreak server, since there isn't many admins on there most of the time.
  23. Same with kids applying to this clan lying about thier age. Saying that thier 16 when their like 10 or 11.