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Everything posted by Lerpasaurs

  1. Bro, Nice job! You caught Rexx spamming his hldj loolololololol
  2. Rex, Sometime's when they try to post, it doesnt load the he click's submit gain then the first one post's then the Last one he Click would post too. soooooooo yEEeeee
  3. Bro i dont think that you should be talking about people "Spamming".
  4. I didnt spam with my auto tuner... I just talk not spam lololololol here's a post found... Rex Trying to say Quarantine admin abuse for muting rex for Spamming HLDJ.
  5. He constantly Spam's with his HLDJ. When he gets Muted by a moderator, or administrator he would rage about it and post it on the forums. He doesnt rage when he get's muted from anti-spam. So my final answer is:
  7. @roxxor, Lawlllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!! You should really think before talking lolololol. I bet you havent even seen him before.
  8. -1 10 hours of CSS? Play More, Dont ask for Admin/Mod, DROP YOUR BALLS.(sorry for being rude)
  9. Roxxor, Dont say that he's underage. I know for a fact that you are too. So. And i know i Am. But i got a mature voice soo yeeeeeee.
  10. +1 (but dont give him mod or admin!)
  11. LAWLLL xDDD Tiny chat ftw
  12. LAWLLLLLL Jay Breezzyyy!!!
  13. I never knew what the compass did. Green dot = Animals, Red Dot = Bad Creature (such as, Zombies, Spiders, Skele etc...), White Dot = A Player In Game. When you would go underground the Compass would just turn plane black.
  14. Name: [xG] xxLiil CraZyxx Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:37567637 Age: 13, 14 on july 14 Gender: Male How long you have been in xG: About 1-2 weeks, + 1-2 months before i left. Past experiences as mod/admin/leader in or out of xG (be very descriptive) : My Admin experiences are very Well. Ive been a Head admin on a ScoutKnives server for 5 months. I Also had my own servers, they got populated for a bit, and i was a leader of a clan onces. I also was a Admin on a Clan Called |NStyleZ| for 2 months. Never Abused any powers. Why do you want to be a co-leader: I Dont really HAve a Reason for co-leader but for mod yes. :P How could you help xG if you were a co-leader: I would try to help out with the Promotions, the demotions, and the ban's. I would also have alot of time to do anything. Anything else you want to add: I would like to add that, I know that i wont get Co-Leader but I would try to earn my way to Moderator.
  15. Well i dont know then.
  16. -1, not trying to rude or anything but. You wont stop posting app's. +2 Good player.
  17. I dont know how lol. My friend did it throught teamviewer.
  18. Lerpasaurs


    Why would you give him -1? How would you know if he plays while u not there bro. Still ill give him a total: +1
  19. i think it was call ModPack.
  20. Screenshot: Click here to view the Screenshot!
  21. Lerpasaurs


    Member Name: LiilCRaZy Your In-Game Name: Bakery_man Player's Steam ID: Minecraft Ban Reason: I was banned for using 3rd Party mod. Unban Reason: i reinstalled my minecraft so i do not have it any more.
  22. Ye and he griefs.. Pooring water all of something im making.
  23. Member Name: LiilCRaZy Player's Name: Physchojackel Player's Steam ID: Minecraft Ban Request Reason: Currently Griefing. he knows he read my sign and this is what he does: ScreenShots: Click here to View Grief Screen 1. Click here to View Grief Screen 2. Click here to View Grief Screen 3. Yes, And this is a Moderator on the Server. And he doesnt Follow by the rules.