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Friend of xG
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Posts posted by Bryce

  1. it's not the action that counts here, it's the message


    Ninja Edit: and just so everyone here knows what happened here's what happened.


    duckiijr you were straight up stalking duckii. she removed you because you were extremely creepy and wouldn't leave her alone. you were trying to get all this information about her that she didn't want to reveal(her phone number, for example). you were trying wayyy tooo hard. and when she did give me powers you had already left the server and decided to just leave you alone and not ban you because i wanted to lay low with it. she did not give me powers to ban you but just because she was tired of fucking with people and i asked.

  2. Division:

    Counter-Strike: Source

    In-Game Name:


    Steam ID:



    I was being asked to do some server stuff for WD and decided to join and immediatelly got promoted to div leader. Didn't even know WD was banned.


    @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii @@Duckii

  3. If the script injects anything into CSS. I used to use an auto-hopper. pretty much you hold the spacebar and it times the jumps almost perfectly for you.


    SMAC will detect scripts if it spams jump which is what most bhop scripts do but if the bhop is injected it will be able to detect when you touch the ground and be able to "jump" exactly when you hit the ground, so it doesn't spam it and is undetected by smac. But the injectable ones almost always get you vac'd

  4. I've personally never understood the no racism rule. If you're offended by something as simple as a word, you shouldn't be on the internet.




  5. So, there's a rule about racism that doesn't really make very much sense.


    The rule is(hopefully not going to get edited):

    You can say nigga, but you can't say nigger.

    You can say beaner, but you can't say nigger.

    You can say chink, but you can't say nigger.


    It's this one word that apparently strikes fear into the heart of many, but the truth is making every other word acceptable besides that is more racist then letting people say nigger(which isn't even bad unless there's someone who takes offense to that word, and seriously, when is there anyone who does in our servers?).


    So, I propose that we do this:

    Make all of these words okay, with these exceptions:

    1. Not when there is someone who legitimately takes offense to the word.

    2. When used in an exaggerated racist comment. Examples:

    Not exaggerated racist comment - loool that nigger killed me (assuming dude is not black)

    Exaggerated racist comment - Dude, we should kill all the niggers in the world.



  6. Well it's actually pretty easy to buy the cheat.. AKA Organner


    Organner has been undetected for I think 3 months at it's longest running, besides a hack that he released for pro players that was detected twice in a 2 year period....the point is, that cheating on the ESEA client is extremely risky if you were to cheat, because the client updates so much that Organner and different types of hacks have to constantly change their methods to try and stay undetected. It's a game of a cat and mouse that ESEA typically wins.



    Than why do you keep using it on ESEA without being banned?




    just that good, i suppose

  7. Same old bs... how can anyone be arsed with cheating, and for the record, ESEA does not detect ring0 cheats. You would have to play on ESL using the aequitas anti cheat to have any chance at getting caught.


    Iniuria is and has been ESEA detected for a while, even while being ring0.