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Posts posted by Bryce

  1. So impeach the guy who is giving xG $350 a month out of his own pocket to keep the servers running? I +1 that. I think Jihad should be the 1 to have to do that dont you think? Because i mean paying that much for something that he doesnt even make money off of is reason to try to impeach them after you become butt hurt when they abuse.


    -1 Stop being butt hurt.




  2. Implying you didn't just make a xenogamers account with their name and linking their profile. If you are him, why would you even play on this community. Stop lieing.


    Lock, Cocky is one of my friends. That is really him. Cocky has been in this community longer than I have. He forgot his old account information. His old name was Cock(y) Blaster. If you obviously don't know what you are talking about, please don't say anything.

  3. He has been given atleast 10 warnings every day for mic spam.


    Then he should have already been banned for 240 minutes for mic spam. This is his first ban, so it should have been 240 regardless. After that, if he continues then a longer ban is justifiable.

    I still love Duke with all my heart and soul though


    Also, I don't see why someone who ragequitted from a community he thinks is corrupt would lurk around the forums to make condescending posts. Lol.

  4. Ducki ive bhopped for 4+ years. I know a lot about bhopping probably more than anyone in this clan. Silent footsteps when bhopping proves nothing, that's just an excuse to say someone is scripting. Silent footsteps arent proof that someone is scripting that's just how the spectator mode works, sometimes you hear footsteps, sometimes you don't.


    Uhm, no. That's not how spectator mode works. You don't hear a jump when you're spectating someone who has made a perfect jump. That's how the game works.

  5. Almost the entire bhop level your bhops were silent

    That is near impossible; air accelerate has nothing to do with silent jumps. Not all scripts work the same. SMAC sucks dick and I'm pretty sure only looks for scripts that spams jump whenever you hold down spacebar.

    Either way, you nofailed the 9 level bhop, almost silent jumps the entire way. Never seen it done before.


    Scripts work by trying to get as many perfect jumps as possible, or silent jumps, because those are what really build up your speed. Strafing helps, but silent jumping is what makes you go faster. You cannot hear silent jumps unless you are watching someone do it, or you're watching sourcetv. So, E.Z. Kill, you may have been doing silent jumps, but you just couldn't hear the silence.

    To tell if you actually got a silent jump, most bhops sound like you're hitting the ground twice. If it sounds like you only hit the ground once, then you got a silent bhop.

  6. As you know Mohommad an EX Admin (useless). He left xG to become an ESEA pro and in search of skills to lift in a video game.

    For those of you who like to spread rumors without pulling your index finger out of your ass to do 30 seconds of research. He wasn't vac banned, he was probably permed multiple times but was unbanned because it was unjust.


    As you know Mohommad an EX Admin (useless). He left xG to become an ESEA pro and in search of skills to lift in a video game.


    ESEA pro




  7. Hi bryce. You must be new. My name is Poncher, and im an Admin for our Counter Strike: Source division. There used to be this asshole that was a division leader named herpes. Who names themselves after an std? But i digress, hes a douchebag with no life, so who cares? Anyways, welcome to xG


    He sounds like someone I would've kicked sand in their eyes during recess in elementary school.

  8. Jailbreak rounds are 8 minutes long.

    There's usually 40+ people.

    Wardens would either have to: Rush and try to kill as many t's as fast as possible, usually resulting in the same shitty 'fast' games over and over again, or the round would simply end before the warden has killed off all the t's.

    If the timer reaches 0:00 and there is still plenty of t's alive, then the warden is obviously doing something wrong and an admin should step in and tell them to hurry up.