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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Bryce

  1. It says it needs to be $10 or greater to be accepted.. >.>
  2. Bryce


    I wish my father was Duckii Jr. so that way I could be a baby duck.
  3. In case anyone hasn't realized, this is about Ash Ketchum. Lawl.
  4. It needs to be $10 or more to be donatable.
  5. Bryce

    Steam crashed??!?!?!!

    Steam is up for me. I can see who is online and Im online and everything. Its working like usual.
  6. So you think you had a hard childhood? Well screw you, it?s got nothing on mine. My mom practically kicked me out of the house before I even hit 13, and I?ve never even met my dad. My only friend until I was 10 was the ******* next door who was always beating the crap out of me and telling me I wasn?t worth anything. It?s not even like I had a choice, the town only had something like 9 people living in it, I kid you not. My entire adolescence was just moving around from place to place trying to get along with people who didn?t even want me. You think that?s the worst? My only friend was an Asian guy in his thirties or something who only kept me around because he thought I could help him get laid. The only perk was that I also got to hang around with this cute ginger chick. She was flat as a pancake, sure, but damn, she was really hot. She must have been a sadist or something ?cause she always took pleasure in hitting me. But dear god, the bane of my existence was this adult couple that I could NOT seem to avoid. You know those types of couples that are absolutely sickening, like they wear matching outfits and finish each other?s sentences? Yeah, they were so freaking creeper, and they had a cat which was at least twice as annoying as they were. I swear this thing would never shut up. Like I said, I ended up moving from town to town, getting into fights with other kids my age, even adults from time to time. The only thing that kept me going was my dream to become a Pok?mon master.
  7. Bryce

    Steam crashed??!?!?!!

    Steam is up and running for me. :o
  8. Bryce

    Clan Drama

    People purposelly try to spam/break the rules when an admin is not on, and people are too scared of 'annoying' a mod/admin about it. If someone is breaking the rules you should get an admin who knows what he/she is doing on, its their job. >.>
  9. I think that the pg-13 rule should be removed, but to a degree. I dont think people should be able to let out a long vulgar string of curses just to **** people off. But not so much to where we actually can't say certain words.
  10. Bryce


    One of my dad's friends died because of WoW. His character got mugged and his dwarf wife left him, so he committed suicide. Poor guy...
  11. Bryce


    I'm sorry Jay. But I have a life.
  12. Bryce

    xG trusted

    In game name: [xG] Herpes Derpes [xG:R | Bro] Fav. Server: xG Jailbreak Fav. Admin/mod: Aegan! :DD Why you should be accepted: I know all the rules and I know a lot of admins/mods
  13. Bryce

    osama ben person

    I think they're both douchebags. I mean, just look at Osama's beard. Can I say, douchebag alert?
  14. Bryce

    xG model

    Dibbs on being xG's hoe :D!
  15. I couldn't get on. There was a tornado in my area and wiped out a few neighborhoods and wiped out my power for like, a week. Sorreh.
  16. Admins should be more active, or we should just get more admins. Maybe both.
  17. I got a rock for my girlfriend. Thats it. I WIN.
  18. Bryce


    If we become a rebel, can we unbecome it? Or are we forever a rebel? Cause I'd love to be a rebel but there are times when there no CT wardens and I'll go on and be it.
  19. Bryce

    Admin abuse :P

    I've been playing Jailbreak and xG for about 2-3 months and have never once seen Edison admin abuse. I think he's pretty well fit for admin. >.>
  20. What the **** does the above post have to do with original post? >.> I actually really like the idea.