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Everything posted by Snoopy

  1. +1 Great guy, respectable, and lovable. This young gentleman would be a splendid addition to Xenogamers. M:90/100 A: 70/100 (I've actually played with you like 3-4 times I've been on, but you're cool)
  2. You still get an "Fuck You" but thanks.
    1. Hidingmaster


      And one right back to ya, but youre welcome
  3. Eff this Incorrect format. I'm not about to go hunt down the three and tell them to change the format. I'm not a patient man, I have the vote...not in the right format
  4. wow really? Close this thread then please.
  5. Sir I'm counting somewhere between 19-21 per the rules I'm only counting xG members: 1.Stumpy 2.Nymph 3.Easy 4.ShadowSpy 5.Chrono 6.Tempted 7.Serbian 8.Jaybreeze, at the time he +1 me, he was in xG I believe 9.forestfire 10.diabeetus 11.darkwolf 12.Yuno_Gasai 13.CyanNovaa 14.MrAwesome 15.Superkiller67 16.LapisLazuli 17.kbShooter 18.Astrea 19.Lemons 20.mtown
  6. I thank you for taking proper action in handling this situation, mistakes happen, to mods, admins, and everyone. Everyone deserves a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and a billion chances, only that they learn from their mistakes, and improve on them.
  7. Is this enough +1? Like c'mon I think a good majority of people like me.
  8. I'm not in the clan, but this MAN is great. I feel he would be a great addition to the staff. Plus he's active. +1 seen him more than mods sometimes.
  9. JayBreeze you are totally correct, I abused my right to be awesome. I slayed once, but after that I gave a quick speech in xG: JB telling the mods and admins, that I will be leaving and that they should do their job to the best of their abilities. I gave a formal apology of the slay, and I formally left. If that's a chip in the shoulder, then its water under the bridge. Rest assure for everyone, that I am not my 16 year old self anymore. I promise you I will be an asset to this clan, I will be there in the darkest of day, and the brightest of night. If given the opportunity I will not let evil prevail. I stand in the grey, and will not take sides, let there be justice and fairness to all players. If accepted to xG, I will be the torch that guides those above and below me to the righteous passage. I will help teach people to look in the grey.
  10. Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: Duckii Jr Steam ID: Steam Community :: Duckii Information: **Not actually CS:S, forum ban** Relaying a message from Duckii Jr. Fwd from Duckii Jr. may he RIP, loved by many. May his death not go unnoticed and a lesson for all. If you're seeing this right now it means I have finally decided to end my life. I've been thinking this through for a long time and I just can't take it anymore. I was told by Silence that I'd be unbanned when I killed myself. Well, I've finally fucking done it. There is REAL footage of my death that will be posted here on this protest. Now that I've ended my life, I'd like you Silence to keep your word and unban me. Now I may browse the xenogamers forum in peace. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgteckZYvDM
  11. Snoopy


    You deserve it Serbian, best Mod/Admin that I knew.
  12. Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: Snoopy Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:22413023 Banned: No Previously in xG: Yes Active on Teamspeak: Yes Age: 18 Further Information: Stats: Former member (2011) Former Mod (2011) Resigned from xG (2012) Highly Respected Graduated summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, National Honor Society. Active now Majoring in Aerospace Engineering and Software Engineering. Software Engineering could be helpful on the servers and clan. Lots of people in the clan still know me, love me and want me. (I am very flattered).
  13. Snoopy


    Thanks guys, my man Serbian, I hear you're Co-leader. I remember the days we both were mods. Look at you all grown up. :cry:
  14. Not xG member, but I've played with this man before and I love him. +1
  15. Snoopy


    For those that do not know me or remember me. I was a former xG member. I haven't played CS:S in a while because of school, and it paid off lol. Now that I'm in college and have the next 4 years to myself I can finally have some down time and play video games. I'm attending University of Virginia if anyone is wondering or wants to know. I'll most likely live in Virginia and attend there for 4 years. But I am also looking to transfer to University of Maryland. Dual Major in Aerospace Engineering and Software Engineering and a minor in Material Science and Engineering. But never the less, I am starting to be active on the servers especially Jailbreak. Though I'd like to see RPG Surf to be populated just because thats where I made my name on xG ;). Don't be afraid to say "hello" to me, or if you're not sure you remember me, we can be friends again :D. I'll most likely be on after work 6pm EST, unless on weekends where my GF thinks she's funny and wants me off the computer. Cheers! and it feels great to be back on a welcoming server.
  16. Haha glad to see I have some fans! I'm good and @@serbiansnaga I'll for sure talk to you on TeamSpeak. Its still undecided if I'll rejoin or what, but since I have all this time I think I might and I've been with xG longer than any other clans I've joined.
  17. Some of you may remember me, others most likely do not. But I am Snoopy I use to be in xG! Just dropping in and saying hello once again! I hope everything is well and the clan is running smoothly. I might rejoin because I have a crazy amount of free time on my hands like hours! I love you guys and you know who you are when I say that. I don't know anyone else in the clan or if the old people exist, but cheers and Happy Holidays!
  18. Snoopy


    So Kevin forced me into the Live Chat, and I was pretty happy. I miss everyone, well only the people I liked, alot of people I hated too, but I can't lie I missed you guys too. I wonder if anyone still knows who I am. Well just wanted to drop by and say hey hey hey what's going on! On and [MENTION]Serbian[/MENTION] and @@Hudson you two are sexy as hell, and yes that is homo. Peace love, Snoopy:joyous::joyous:
  19. I don't get it.Why are people so afraid of death? Why is it awkward talking to someone about their death? Its just the type of mindset we have in today's society. Other, try to spend some time with them, talk to them, learn all the life lessons you can learn from them. They have tremendous amounts of knowledge through experience through living life and their peers they've worked with. It will be sad seeing them go, but if you learn and talk with them their voices and lessons will be in your memory for ever which then you can pass to your children as well. Cherish every last moment you have with them, if you live fairly close make an effort to see them once a week it'll be a joy for them to see their grandson.
  20. Snoopy


    Yes...no, I'm a nice fella and this black guy (not being racist) was picking on this weird kid, so I had enough with bullying and I push the black guy who's like 5'3" away and said "NO!"...simply just no, and yeah that's it. I don't condone bullying, and if I see it I will stop it, that's a promise. I'm not allowed to fight unless I believe the individual has intent to hurt me for social, economical, or political reasons. If it does come to that situation my parents give me full consent to and I quote "♥♥♥♥ the ♥♥♥♥ out of the ♥♥♥♥er" and I wouldn't get in trouble with my parents.
  21. I'm loving the tie!!!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!!! *FAP FAP FAP* Oh and I'm loving your wavy/curly hair ♥♥♥♥
  22. Hahaha what!!!! Herps left and then rejoined within 24 hours...that's faster than I did. It took me 48 hours to "rejoin" Herps I congratulate you on taking the new record...bravo!! *pats herps on his ♥♥♥♥* *gets herpes*
  23. When all else fails, LSD doesn't.