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Everything posted by Never

  1. Never


    Well, the problem is no one says something like "SIMON DIDN'T SAY UNFREEZE!" the person being simon almost ALWAYS* says "simon says freeze".... "simon says jump"... what i'm saying is they skip the steps Johnny is trying to cover. It would be stupid if we have johnny saying that stuff while other wardens kill for NOT doing what simon says. In other words, you would never know and would have to guess.
  2. Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:29380659 Nickname: Never Reason for being banned: Hacking??? Why should you be unbanned?: I was just playing some AWESOME jailbreak on your servers, and I was sniping. I see a terrorist peeking his face out of a door with an AWP so I shoot. I'm almost instantly perma banned for wallhacking, because they thought I was in a different room than I really was? I'm not sure what happened and I'm not sure why, but please PLEASE review this. Also, could this possibly be admin abuse? There was absolutely no evidence at the time that I hacked or something, yet I was immediately banned. I'm sorry for reposting! I've been an actual member of xG for 4 days, and my post hasn't been replied to yet. (I put a notice in my member submission about the problem.) Thanks for your time and consideration. Edit: Forgot to mention, the admin was Excision, although I don't want to make a ton of drama out of this. He might want to be given the permaban rules again or something.
  3. hmmm im going with magical on this one, amazing for the price. Btw, Magical, processors are so overrated for what you need to get great performance. I'm running with a dual-core 2.8 GHZ and i can play any game, INCLUDING the more recent ones (crysis 2, farcry 2, assassin's creed brotherhood etc) on full high. My graphics card is pretty shitty, too. (GTX 260m)
  4. Never

    Zombie Escape!!!

    Yeah, it's probably taken up 60 out of the 100 hours I have played. That and jailbreak are by far my favorite.
  5. Never

    Ryan's App

    sorry I vouch down, he's done some pretty stupid stuff at times and I don't think he'd be the best representative of xG.
  6. Never


    no. That's completely unfair, it's always implied that you go into isolation and that simon thing is stupid. Honestly these are totally unfair rules that aren't implemented, i'm surprised you weren't ct banned lol.
  7. Never

    Zombie Escape!!!

    Weird! Well, they obviously have some work to do on the server. Hopefully I get unbanned by the time they get it up LOL!
  8. Never

    Avid Gamers?

    Are YOU an avid gamer? Do you enjoy any game, not just counterstrike? Well, today you're in luck. I just found out theres a 40% off a ****load of games from EA. I know I'm buying some! LINK : http://eastore.ea.com/store/ea/en_US/DisplayCategoryProductListPage/categoryID=55946100&childCategoryID=55946100
  9. Never

    Zombie Escape!!!

    Oh, that's a slight problem haha. Well hopefully you guys get that fixed, I'd love to be playing on that server!
  10. Never

    Admin command chart

    What are the perma ban rules? Like what has to take place to perma ban someone?
  11. Never

    Zombie Escape!!!

    Why wouldn't they?
  12. Lol says you got 11,000 kills in 60 hours of playing? heh
  13. I think they've both seen it, but idk... They even accepted me haha!
  14. Never

    CT Banned?

    I totally get that... I was run-sniping once, and was aiming for a guy who just killed a ct. Just as I click the mouse, some nooby T walks right in front of the scope! heh let's just say !boom was used.
  15. Can admins unban? or is it only super admins... I'm still waiting on mine to be reviewed by them, but I'm growing impatient when I see everyone else's be answered D:
  16. Never

    CT Banned?

    Heh forgot about that! I only see Aegean on that's why.
  17. Never


    Sounds like a plan!
  18. Never

    CT Banned?

    Sounds like fun! Well, I trust ssully, he's a great admin from what I see. Zoidberg, I think that you can get unbanned, but I recommended staying clear from CT even if you are unbanned. Take a break from CT for a while and enjoy the rebelling. Check out xG: R by Aegean!
  19. Never

    Im grounded

    Ouch. Well, good luck with that. Hopefully you can return soon and be punishment free!
  20. Never


    First of all, chillax. Second of all, I think you're on the right track. I was thinking of a logo with bullet holes in it, and there were shadow effects coming through the holes and blood effects etc. Sadly, this probably won't happen, but yeah. Yours was a good idea, but you didn't have the correct resources.
  21. Never

    Zombie Escape!!!

    What's my favorite game type? Zombie Escape! I never knew you guys had a ZE server, but when I saw it I noticed that almost no one uses it. It would be awesome if somehow we could start getting people on there, I'd love to play on that server once I get my ban problem solved. Thanks!
  22. Never


    Hmm true. I liked the reaction though... I give Edison credit for that!
  23. Never

    CT Banned?

    Who were you banned by?
  24. Never


    u mad bro?
  25. Never


    LOL. nice...