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Everything posted by Never

  1. Yeah that would be nice... I have a great server and guild that I can come back to if I want, but a fresh start just sounds awesome right now for me. I'll make a survey thread in a moment.
  2. Vents that aren't impossible to use... Rollarcoaster would be a must have, and have a button that makes the ENTIRE map a disco available. Just imagine "All t's when I open cells you will... DANCE YOUR ASSES OFF!"
  3. really now... You were just starting to prove how awesome you were to everyone and now that kinda just ended for me. I mean we all hate certain people, but we can either ignore them or ***** about them. I guess you chose to ***** about them. btw, I think rabid is completely wrong for trying a 1 week ban, but that doesn't mean I have to be an ******* about it, I state a short opinion about why he is ruling unfairly and leave at that.
  4. Never


    okay guys just stop with it. let silence or whoever make a verdict, and I personally don't think he should be removed from the clan at this moment, it's not my or your decision so lets all just wait for this to play out.
  5. Never


    I lolled a lot.
  6. Read my earlier post :P, Blackwing Lair is a great server to start new with, medium-low population, stable AH and pvp, etc. but yeah if this iss gonna happen we gotta figure it out
  7. Meh, I think "Xeno Guild" would fit but either one lol
  8. Look Rabid, just because he "trolled" you doesn't mean he should get a WEEK ban. Just give him a short extension or something, a week is wayy to intense for that "admin disrespect" bs. I trust you can usually see when to ban and when not to, so you should see a week is to harsh.
  9. Never

    is it true?

    haha happens to everyone. No, not really. :D
  10. +1, already got friends on the server :D
  11. Never

    is it true?

    Lol wow... Who told you that?
  12. Rabid, I get that he did something wrong, but you're argument is total ********. I'm done listening to this "admin disrespect" crap. Admins should be able to take this stuff, people should treat admins like they usually treat everyone else. I don't believe for one second that rebieb trolled that much at all or whatever. He did wrong for being an *******, but still, admin disrespect bans shouldn't be this intense.
  13. Never


    LET HIM GO! Give him one more try. I haven't ever* see him do this stuff before now, I say last chance then you're gone!
  14. Blackwing Lair is very good on both sides, but I'd prefer alliance. Horde slightly outnumber the alliance on that server, but both sides are perfectly capable of doing a lot. Add me on steam if you guys want this to happen :D
  15. I have characters its just we need to find a nice server if this is going to happen.
  16. Black ops for the PC. I used to have a console, but it broke, so I gave up on it. I don't know why everyone hates it, it's not that bad... everyone says "oh it stutters" or whatever but it only does it if you have a shitty computer. I would be playing wow but it got boring, which is why i kinda wanna make that xG guild, would get me playing a little bit again.
  17. Well, i'd go alliance on this server. I personally prefer alliance because they usually have an equal balance between the raids and the PvP, and in this case they're about equal, so i would be going alliance.
  18. I can transfer my main over >_> hmm checked it out and it seems it's not very strong... ill be looking for a good server, but it probably wont happen. Blackwing lair, alliance side. Real stable good ah etc... just in case anyone actually wants to start one, id start there.
  19. WAITWAITWAITWAITWAIT! I have a good idea, make one on a low population server. I'd probably play a shitload and stuff, level new characters etc... But YES EDIT: Smolerthorn is a PvP server marked "New Players" This could be a good choice if people are looking for a fresh start (I would be)
  20. His left eye I think, I'd have to go back to the video but being like the best gamer in this generation and only having 1 eye? That's just BEASTTTTTT
  21. I'll try, although I might have a hard time getting back into the groove (BLACKOPSSS/cod4) I should be able to get back to a good level of skill
  22. Whiteboy7thst anyone? Probably the best gamer alive and he's blind in one eye... Shot by a bb gun in the eye (****ING SUCKS RABID) I also feel bad because i have like 20/12 vision and I use my eyes for computer/tv... one tip kids don't keep your brightness on high, and wear them fking sunglasses... Sunspots would SUCK to have, take pride in good vision!
  23. Never

    Thank You

    I'm in with serbian! Oh wait but I love jay... so I'll go with ja- JOHN CONNOR! Or not... SUCH A HARD CHOICE GOD DAMNIT!