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Posts posted by HighSociety

  1. lol i knew this was coming...when i saw a mod kick him for trolling, and he came back in saying "nice abuse" i banned...cuz he constantly trolls xG and its members. every time hes on he trolls/es...i stand by my decision.

  2. Kevin, i dont hav any problems with u as a person, but i get angry when people troll eachother and drag others into their . Solve it on steam, not here

  3. U both trollfest eachother. U both do ABSOLUTLY nothing...besides for flame on the other. Neither of u do anything for this clan besides initiate fests. Were all pretty tired of it

  4. I was the mod who banned him. I saw the entire thing happen, and garrus clearly started it...i have pics that i will post when i get home (im on my phone right now). I gagged BOTH of them telling them to stop. Carl dropped it...garrus didnt. At this point, i was fed up with garrus' (he ed up alot earlier today) so i kicked him. He came back in and flamed up again, so i banned him. Its only for a day...wait it out and quit whining...


    ---------- Post added at 03:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:09 PM ----------


    And to clarify, i resolved the situation with the ct that killed carl. He slayed himself. Carl stated "garrus, u didnt see me throw the grenade". Which is in no way trolling...and garrus started flaming.


    ---------- Post added at 03:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:15 PM ----------


    Btw, ur ban will probably b done by the time i get around to posting pics

  5. Rexx, if i remember correctly, u were banned for trolling at one point too, correct? So give him another chance like you got...u became mod. At least let him attempt to b better...

  6. How bout we stop the petty flame war between rexx and this kid, unban, and close tha mothain thread?


    ---------- Post added at 11:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:12 PM ----------


    And can i PLEASE get a permanent ban on this aegean guy? Hes seriously starting to bug me, where does he get off telling people " you, our clan is too good for you, try to get better, then come back in a week" i mean REALLY...those were his exact words btw, u can check :P

  7. As a mod, im gonna have to -1 for CSS...whenever im on, it seems like he tries to tell me what to do. And when he attempts to tell me rules, theyre generally incorrect...and sometimes spams and gets somewhat angry when i dont do anything about it, cuz i didnt c it. I like the kid, but he needs to brush up on the rules a bit b4 i change my vouch