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Posts posted by HighSociety

  1. awwww im so sorry for all the butt hurt ♥♥♥♥tards out there about a 1month ago trolling's get the ♥♥♥♥ over you little ♥♥♥♥♥es....


    close i dont want to be mod.




    Lul. My. Point. Exactly :)

  2. I love calling you out on everything. WELL although silence might have said that' date=' you have no right to say he doesn't deserve to be in the clan. Not yours to say, and that is not something a staff member should be saying to a member who was thinking of leaving, come on now.[/quote']


    Ur right...i apologize to shady, and any member i may have offended recently. Ive been going through a few problems lately, and ive been acting rather...rash. i know its really no excuse, but i still felt the need to apologize. Aegean, ill try to shape up and fix what mistakes i have made. Thank you for finally making me realize i have to be more in control of my thoughts...

  3. Try appling for the clan first of all :P


    And Chrono becaus he dose it LIKE A BAWS.


    Hes in the clan...duckii accepted him awhile back. Ill link it up next time im on my computer (im on my phone right now) for some reason he never got the forum membership privalage thingy lol. I know cuz he lives down the street from me. Though he does not have 100 (or 200...idk anymore) posts, once he gets more active on the forums, i believe he would make a decent mod with a bit of training haha. And if he ♥♥♥♥s up, ill beat his ♥♥♥ :P


    ---------- Post added at 03:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:19 PM ----------


    And hes on jb/minigames almost everyday


    ---------- Post added at 03:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:20 PM ----------




    ^^theres the link. This was back in august (as u can see) which is more than 2 months for u ree rees out there :P. He just needs 100 posts lol.

  4. I never see you on big boy. ANYWAYS THANKS FOR YOUR CONCERN CHEESE, I WILL THINK ABOUT YOUR THOUGHTS. Promo - Demo is just next week :)


    -Side note, Xavien and poncher always abuse me on the servers, and make me feel like poopy :(




    I never aboose caboose you D: ur just racist against white people o.O lol. And silence/aegean, the reason me and xavien r never on TS3 is because we cant run it :( i believe ive talked to aegean about this already. Ive tried everything to get it to run, including sharing my desktop with many people (they found my massive amounts of porn D:). Btw i made this thread cuz aegean closed the thread b4 i could reply...buttmunch :P. And thanks to the peoplezz that said i deserved mod. Ill be sure to give u an interwebs cookie :) inb4aegeanclosestooquicklyagainlikeaboss :D

  5. If u get mod this week I swear to god im leaving xG...reread the motd and reapply. When nivek slayed rainjr for baiting, he raged and said "BAITING ISNT A SLAYABLE OFFENSE U ♥♥♥♥ING TARDS. READ THE MOTD." really? you DEFINITLY do NOT know the motd and I wouldnt b.comfortable having u as a mod, seeing as u dont know the motd...


    ---------- Post added at 06:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:08 PM ----------


    that and u got banned for raging/trolling/admin disrespect. kthxbai

  6. Well, no disrespect, but honestly, if enforcing the rules is raging then you need to look it up www.dictionary.com, also when i say i got freekilled i like to be responded to instead of me keep having to repeat it in admin chat so u guys ♥♥♥♥ing see it, cause its obvious the mods that are there half the time arn't doing their job they are just playing. Smoker, u do a good job u respond to me 64% of the time when there are other mods/admins on but im saying this pretty much 2 ALL MODS/ADMINS do your jobs and take care of situations.


    Ahaha that was one of the most ignorant posts on these forums...we usually see it, and get annoyed when u spam. We generally dont do anything if we dont see it and only one persons ♥♥♥♥♥ing. If i personally believe i saw a freekill, ill ask around and figure ♥♥♥♥ out...but not when u spam admin chat -_-

  7. If u cant listen to simple orders...u dont deserve to be in the clan. L2listen. I was there. He CLEARLY said "im testing...choose dodgeball or ill ban u" u didnt listen, so he followed up. No ones fault but ur own...