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Everything posted by Colour

  1. This this this this! Also, Some people's names (ahem) are flat-out too long to add in another useless tag. I'd say we should still keep them, but to an extent. We can't have 50 different subclans, each made by a random. They should be approved by Ero/Silence/Duckii and that'll settle it.
  2. To be honest I don't really see much disrespect between members.. Maybe a few joke here and there like "screw you ***" or whatnot, but nothing really serious. Subclans are a GREAT way to be uniting the members with other people, and if anyone has a question, they usually just ask. It's not hard to explain the differences. (Not trying to be a negative Nelly)
  3. I'm the only one that said no??? I'm getting Ghost Recon, enjoy your "Skyrim"... lolololpfffft
  4. Vouch +10, he's pretty awesome.
  5. Let's watch your power supply not support it and it fries the entire thing :O
  6. Everybody call him Isaac now.
  7. Colour


    Vero does, Idk why >_>
  8. Start > all programs > accessories > paint. MSpaint is just the name for the new "Paint" (same program) that comes with all Windows 7 PCs. If you want a real photo editing software i'd say get "paint.net" at Redirecting ...
  9. Colour

    Free Sprays

    ...Penguin...can I has one? :3
  10. Colour


    I vouch, he's pretty active and follows rules to the maximum.
  11. Colour


    I have absolutely no clue what you're trying to say.........
  12. It was pretty fun, i'm not going to lie. The only bad thing I see about this game is that it would take a while to get rid of all of the ammo, and even then there is only 1/2 as much CTs as there is Ts.. The CTs would have to go through it twice, and manage both guns. If we could develop a better system for doing that, then it would be really cool :D
  13. Colour

    New Name

    Moongod Joe, wolfpride508, happygirl79
  14. First: some background information:He doesn't listen to orders, and then complains and constantly says "FREEKILLER" when he is killed. He was once in xG but was later kicked, due to mostly this. [MEDIA=imgur]giYtq[/MEDIA] then [MEDIA=imgur]dHbHm[/MEDIA] LOL. It was so funny reading through this, just thought i'd share.
  15. Colour

    lol pic

    LOL too far. I had nooo clue he was Asian. That's awesome.
  16. Colour

    The bloop

    I remember it like it was yesterday..... Bloop - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  17. If this is truly made by you, I advise you to never put "le" in another one of your rage comics. They used to be funny. They aren't anymore. Just talking constructive criticism. EDIT: I forgot to add that this made me laugh. Nice job :D
  18. Then why start the post in the first place? lol. Like I said before, If there is a specific person that you don't like, talk about it to an admin and they can see what they can do. Otherwise, you're just going to have to ignore them. Usually they aren't even warden so you can just mute them so you don't have to listen to their voices.
  19. C'mon guys, complaining like this doesn't help anything either, admins do their best to get rid of the really annoying kids that actually deserve to be ridden of. If there is someone that you just don't like in general, try to do your best and ignore them. If they keep being immature, please talk about it to an admin and not just on the forums for EVERYONE to see. Thanks.
  20. Just wondering, why was he banned in the first place? O.O
  21. Who has 2 thumbs, had his finals 3 weeks ago, and got more than a 95% on each one?... THIS GUYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Goodluck on yours, they were much easier than I expected them to be.
  22. LOL so true. But i've gotta say Ducki Jr, I honestly have no problem with your voice. It's a lot better than some people like Ryan's.... I shudder at the thought of him spamming "GEEMEEEE GAAANNNNZZZZZ HEEE HEEEE PEOPLE MAKE FUN OF MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE FOR MY VOICE HEEHEE I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY"
  23. Colour

    [xG:S] Hands Skin

    Those are pretty nice :D What software do you use to edit them?
  24. LOL. That's classic.