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Friend of xG
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Posts posted by Foxxy

  1. Member Name: Foxxy


    In-Game Name: Anthony Sullivan / HAVE A FREEDAY


    What game?: CSS


    Member: Yes


    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:26250431 00:14


    Age: 16


    Donated: No


    Other information: Well first of all, I've been in this clan for a while now and I do not regret a single moment of it. I think it's time I step up to the plate and take the occupation of a Moderator.


    I do admit that I am not perfect, I sometimes lose my temper on people. (Mainly CTs that do not read the MOTD) and that I have done some bad things but I do believe I have owned up to them. I want nothing but the best for this community, I apply not for personal gain but I am hoping to do some good for everyone.


    I've been trying to be more active lately on more fronts (Teamspeak, LOL, CSS, etc.) and I think that's been paying off, I've been meeting more and more people every day.


    I don't want to take up too much of your time, but if you're gonna +1 or -1 me, I would like a credible reason and not just a biased opinion. I'm not asking for vouches, just for you to give me your honest opinion. <3

  2. *ehem*

    Don't take this the wrong way guys, but man up. If you act like a FRIEND, she's going to FRIENDzone you. True story.

    First thing you need to do is figure out if you want to just fuck or if you want a relationship, cause they are usually two totally different approaches.

    Also, if you're not talking to her mostly in person, you're doing it WRONG. Facebook chat = friendzone chat.


    I shouldn't have to be the one to tell you guys this, i don't date girls. D: also gay guys make good wingmen when you're trying to pick up chicks, just saiyan


    So you suggest guys be a douchebag? Alright fair enough. The guy literally tried to be THE NICEST GUY to her. That meant that he listened to her cry when that jerk used her. I'm just saying that a lot of women are absolutely the blindest and dumbest creatures on this planet, they underestimate guys so much, it's insane.



    Also on a personal note, I don't need advice (don't take that the wrong way) cause I've been with the same girl for a little over two years now. It's the stupidity you see from these teenage girls who refuse to look past what they want to get what they need..

  3. I just don't talk to women/anybody and somehow they find me interesting because I'm "mysterious"


    Girls are wierd :/


    Rest assured, you turn me on.

  4. Don't you hate it when they ask where the nice guys are? This chich on Facebook, friendzones the nicest guy. Later that night her status is "Where are all the nice guys?". Damn women, so short sighted and needy.

  5. I personally think smoking's fine, but there is a limit. I, myself do not smoke but I'd say half my friends do. It's irritating but it never changed who they were, so I'm alright with it.