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Posts posted by Foxxy

  1. I haven't been around for that, but it sounds like a really neat idea. What should be done is some sort of minor competitions or raffles for everyone, try and get the whole clan involved in certain things. Or maybe members, mods, admins of the year, etc.

  2. So basically have you ever seen, heard or interacted with anything that inspired you in any way?




    When I saw this video, a couple months back I was inspired to start training to do these amazing tricks just like these guys can. I'm not there yet, but hopefully soon I'll get there. There was also a video that I watched three years ago about cancer (yeayea, it had "I run for life" come at me haters). I can't find it but for the past two years I've done a run for CIBC "Run for the Cure".

  3. Okay. Those sites wouldn't be "Shut Down." They would be blocked by your ISP. Your friends in Canada would still be able to see it.


    Still, censoring the internet is a bad idea...Remember when China censored the internet? The US was up in arms. Now when we want to do the same thing, somehow it's all okay...


    So technically shutting down the website and it being censored by your ISP are the same thing. In the idea that you can't access them, so to speak.

  4. I don't know if this has been posted yet. I'm too fat and lazy to use the search function. So I want to know where you guys stand with SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act). The Act itself allows copyright holders to challenge the use of their content in any form on the internet. So basically websites like ThePirateBay and other torrent sites would probably immediately shut down. BUT, websites like Youtube are under threat too. Say you post a frag movie with a song that you did not produce, the "rightful" owners of the movie can not only take down the video itself, but file a claim against Youtube.


    It's utter bullshit if you ask me, gives the copyright holders WAY too much power over it.


    So do you support it? Or are you against it? Also note I am not trying to start a flame war or anything of that sort, I'm just curious.