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Everything posted by Zehdari.

  1. Played with this guy really cool +1
  2. Zehdari.


    Can I be unbanned now?
  3. Zehdari.


    Hi thar my fellow people.
  4. I give you ... [ATTACH]1951.vB[/ATTACH]
  5. Zehdari.

    xG Background

    Yurp. Background I madeded :O [ATTACH]516.vB[/ATTACH]
  6. Zehdari.

    New xg logo

    i got perma banned for chargeback
  7. Zehdari.

    New xg logo

    heres and intro i guess? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqwC3AROTiU
  8. i got perma banned for chargeback :(
  9. Member Name: Zehdari. In-Game Name: Zehdari / Dr Chicken Steam ID: I Forgot Age: 13 Game Time: Alot Helpful Skills: Ps, C4D, Eating Cookies I WANT IN PL0XCAKES 69 posts :3
  10. Zehdari.

    I Wuz Here :O

    [ATTACH]506.vB[/ATTACH] I Wuz Here :3
  11. Ehh, Im not quitting, Silence removed the ban and i was just kinda in a rage mode so i posted this. Sorry to get ur hopes up
  12. Last Requests Gun Toss - The objective of gun toss is to toss the farthest or shortest (If specified by the T). If a T says server rules that means no cheating or bunny hopping. The T can give other rules if they are fair and appropriate. Shot 4 Shot - Shot 4 Shot is a game where the T and CT find two spots (usually some sort of line) to shoot across and at each other until the other one dies. Each the T and CT will be given one bullet at a time so they can shoot each other separately. A T can give specific rules as long as they are fair to both the T and CT. Clip 4 Clip - It is the same as Shot 4 Shot but using entire clips instead of one bullet each turn. No Scope Battle - In a No Scope Battle the T and CT have the scoped gun of the Ts choice to try to kill each other with while not scoped in. Knife Fight - Knife fights are battles to the death between T and CT using only a knife. Rock Paper Scissors - This is a game where the T and CT pick either Rock, Paper, or Scissors to win. Rock beats Scissors, Scissors beat paper, and Paper beats Rock. If the T and/or CT do not pick Rock, Paper, or Scissors in the time given they will be slain. Chickenfight - Chickenfight is a game where the T and CT have no weapons, but are able to kill each other using one thing, jumping on one an others head. Dodgeball - A !lr that gives the T and CT unlimited flash grenades (which don't flash) to try and kill one another by hitting them. The T and CT only have 1 HP so they need to watch out where they're going or they could end up dieing by fall damage. Hot Potato - This is a game where the T and CT have a gun (the hot potato) that they try to throw at each other for one another to pick it up. The one with the Hot Potato last loses and is slain. The person with the Hot Potato have faster speed so that they have a chance to reach the other T or CT. Race - Race is a last request in which the T picks two locations, the start, and the finish. This is a race where the T and CT try to get from point A to point B in the fastest way possible. Russian Roulette - A game where the CT and T shoot each other with the chance that when they shoot the gun will be loaded. Shotgun War - This is a war between the T and CT using automatic shotguns. The T and CT gain 10 health rapidly and have to kill one first. Jumping Contest - A Jumping Contest between T and CT which is specified by whatever mode the T chooses, Farthest Jump which is where the ones doing the !lr try to jump farther than the other in one jump, Most Jumps a contest in which they T and CT try to see who can get the most amount of jumps and the loser is slain. Two more contests are Brink of Death and Inch of Death. In Brink of Death it is a contest to see who can take the most damage from jumping off of somewhere without dieing. Inch of Death is the opposite of Brink of Death in how the T and CT try to take the least damage from jumping off of somewhere, but still taking damage.
  13. Silence Perma Banned me for killing him, so i quit. This isnt ^ for sure, but im pretty pos that im quitting, so im prob gunna quit
  14. I have alot of time on my hands Korean...
  15. piranha always fails, the ts kill the cts... lol
  16. well colour i would say go **** yourself for being a total **** and calling me an immature ******, but i liked you and considered you my friend, goodbye you will be missed
  17. ^banned for talking about a penis when you don't have one
  18. uhm i was playing and i wwas with 1 other person and they were t so, umm, they had no way to leave and it wouldn't let them rtv so, yea...
  19. I haven't seen you on barely at all so -1, but when you were on i had no problems so +1 so i'm at 0 right now.
  20. +1 White text covers up 10char ftw
  21. Arrggg i hate this thread it makes me so ****ing hungry!!!!!
  22. Zehdari.

    MIA Thread

    Arthman I know you had great times with Fair Enough Sirs xD
  23. I ****ING HATE YOU **** U -1 Lol white text is fun +1 <3 u other