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Friend of xG
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Posts posted by Mykhol

  1. Mmm..not really sure, I don't see you very much in jailbreak where we need more admins, I see you in minigames, but most of our high ranked admins are there more than jailbreak.

    I'll + 1 if you mature up, and be on Jailbreak early and late, because I'm always on early and late and I don't see any admins, so we need more.

    but for now, I'm at 0

  2. Member Name: Penguin


    Player's Name: Fragsack


    Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:31867915


    Ban Request Reason: Mass freekill / taking advantage of no admins

    Proof here:


    extract to cstrike and type demoui in console

  3. Member Name: Penguin


    In-Game Name: [xG] Michael


    What game?: CSS


    Member: Yes


    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:37652204


    Age: 14


    Donated: No


    Other information: I've been in the clan since somewhere from Jan-May 2011...and I've grown to be hated/loved by some members, mostly loved ;) I've had a history of winning ban request posts and re-reading MOTD once a week, I usually record every match just in case of there being no admins, but I wouldn't need to if I were a moderator. I was once about to be promoted but I was "too young" and yeah yeah yeah we saw the quitting and ♥♥♥♥. but now we have a 12 year old moderator, so I think 14 is more than old enough. I used to be very good friends with most div leaders and Co leaders, but as they got promo'd more they became more busy and had less time to play. I'm not begging to become a mod but It'd be nice. Good day sir.

  4. I think the size shouldn't be something ♥♥♥♥ing giant like Sylvan, but something similar to avalanche....

    Larger map = More rebels

    More rebels = Longer round

    Longer round = rage quit

    rage quit = Fuuu


    Smaller map = Less places to hide

    Less places to hide = shorter round

    shorter round = hamsters

    hamsters = :D