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Posts posted by Mykhol

  1. If Parent A pre-ordered Skyrim Physically at the store, would parent B be able to pick it up from the store under their name?


    It's 10:06AM and I have to wait until around 6:00pm to get skyrim, unless my other parent can pick up Skyrim, under the other ones name.

    My life is over If I can't play before then.

    Anyone know?

  2. I'm getting everything but MW3...

    I've been a fan of Saints row since the release of the first game.

    I've loved elder scrolls since morrowind

    I barely played any other BF game but BF3 caught my attention for sure.

    I played Cod2 - blackops and it got repetitive at cod5

    sooo yeah not spending any more money on Cod.