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Posts posted by Peechis

  1. So, I don't know who all will even bother to read this, but I'm glad this was brought to my attention. To set some things straight with Elmer's post, he wasn't as nice as he claims to be. He was mad that we wouldn't kick Health100 out of our clan just because they couldn't get along. He also had his admin removed for abuse. He spent most of his time trolling and griefing other Minecraft servers, and just being an outright dick to most new members. I'm only doing this as a peace offering. You guys don't want trolls? Don't take this one.

  2. I guess that the answer is going to be no, and that some people can't move past an isolated incident months ago. As for the aimbotting? Herpes actually got good, and I'm sure he wasn't aimbotting. It doesn't really matter, though. I guess go ahead and close this. Looks like things will never be worked out, and we all know where the root of the issue comes from.

  3. Post a picture of yourself holding a piece of paper that says 'I <3 XENO GAMERS' If you aren't ban you get a free unban! THIS ONLY WORKS ONCE!

    As this is filed as one ban, here is one picture to get us unbanned.

    [ATTACH]2018.vB[/ATTACH] (Fresh young, wet Herpes; for your viewing pleasure.)


    And because we never stopped loving you, or your eyebrows.



    Hopefully this pleases you, and we can move past all that crap, once and for all.



  4. I thought all this stuff already died when we left? If there is ever any issue with any member of T3k, I would really hope you guys would bring it to Underscore, Drank, or my attention before talking to anyone else in our clan. I don't take trolling lightly, unless I'm being trolled by Aegean or Serbian (Someone whom I know and am friends with in the clan AND only on friendly terms but that's a different story). If there are any issues with our members, I really hope that you would bring it to us so we could work together on getting the facts perfectly straight and making sure punishment is followed through with.

    As for how you punish the clan, I would appreciate being unbanned, as well as the rest of my clan with the exception of Drank Jr. I still remember the rules of xG pretty well, and I know trolling is a big deal for you guys as well. It was a one on one argument between Drank Jr and Duckii Jr, it doesn't say anything about either clan or all of its members. It really is up to the almighty Silence if we can play on your servers again, which is a big deal to some of our members. We were here, we do have friends here, and there are servers we enjoy, but don't have of our own (MG, Bhop, stuff like that). Drank Jr has been demoted on our servers to member for his actions, and will not troll again.

    Finally, we weren't all kicked out. Some members were, but not all of us. We don't take everyone and anyone. The only former members of xG that are now part of T3k came over on their own, and were warmly welcomed because they are friends (and damn near like family). If you would like to run your mouth about us, I would appreciate you checking all your facts :)

  5. Well, seeings as neither Kevin nor neteX brought PROOF how do we know he abused? Duckii Jr is a great mod, and was an admin before. You don't get that much power by abusing. Maybe once you show everyone how he wronged you (with proof) then something can get done. And QQing in a thread with no screeshots or a demo is not proof, never has been, and never will be. Everyone has their side of the story, and I'd believe Duckii Jr before I would either of you. There's a reason he has power and you guys don't, aside from time in the clan. Maybe you should show a little respect?

  6. To get a couple things straight, the "Other" is used when the act you're being banned for is not one of the categories in the admin menu. You can do !ban player "Reason", but knowing Duckii Jr, and most other admins, they prefer the admin menu. Secondly, if ANYONE from T3k is trolling you, report it to me or Drank with proof. If they advertise, tell us, if they break any server rule, and it goes unnoticed by an xG admin, let us know. Team3k is the product of me, Drank, and Underscore. We've wanted to set up a clan again for a while, and due to personal reasons we left to do so. Anyone claiming credit for it aside from the three of us is lying to you. Again, let us know if our members are breaking rules intentionally, and we'll be sure to talk to the higher ups here and figure out correct punishment with both clans for their actions.

  7. I didn't ragequit, and we want to leave with no bad feelings. The people who left came with us for similar reasons as why Drank and I left, to clear things up. They're going to have to earn their powers just like things were here. Still going to be on the forums and talking with you guys, if that's okay with you. I won't be on as often, but you know.

  8. There comes a time when you need to start fresh. This is that time for me. I really enjoyed playing here, all the regulars, members, and even some of the randoms. I'm not leaving out of spite, or anything of that nature. I just need to go play somewhere else, do something else, a little bit of freshness. What's more fresh than starting your own clan? I'm not making it to overshadow xG. I don't care if we get bigger, or stay a smal group. I just need something different, and have wanted a true clan since Drank and I made one last time. We have the means for it now, so we're going forward with it. We invite anyone to play, even Silence. We don't want to be a rival, I'll gladly send people the xG IPs and tell them to enjoy these servers I've spent so many hours on. If someone decides to ban me that's up to them. I don't plan to abuse my way out, or make a scene bigger than what this thread will be (Please don't make it big guys, it's not that big of a deal). I'll miss all (read most) of you, and enjoyed playing and slaying on the servers. I don't want to go out on bad terms, I just need to walk away; maybe for a while, maybe for good.


    <3 T3K Peechis

  9. +1 Thinks he has power here. He got kicked out of HG, and now thinks what they let fly will go on here. He does troll, disrespect, and he can (and probably will DDoS). While we kick out the trash, why not put this gem in its place?

  10. 3 ban requests in 2 weeks, constant troll, always disrespecting everyone (including mods, admins, div leaders). Isn't about time we cut the dead weight? I can't believe Rexx and I are on the same side of a troll discussion, but +1 to get rid of Chickenlips. Bringing the clan no good at all

  11. Two mods told you to change it, you might just want to change it. I see no issue with it, but it's better just to change it, avoid the hassle, and play the round through. You can always change it back. It's like 6 clicks of the mouse, and saves you all this time going through this. Not abuse. -1