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Posts posted by Peechis

  1. If they all die in a game that does not involve the CTs shooting them, the warden should not slay himself. If they are playing 4 Corners, or Hot Potato (something where the CT has no control over who dies) if all Ts die it is not the CTs fault. I think the same would go for death soccer, although it's highly unlikely that this would occur. This really is a random happening, and unlikely to occur but once in a blue moon. The mods that do their job know how to respond to things, and those that don't will be demoted, I'm sure.

  2. No real proof, and you two were ontop of the dam before anyone mentioned climb. You always head up there and shoot out the windows for pool. I didn't abuse, read the motd and you'll know that you're supposed to be with Ts at all times. Nice try.

  3. Fix the GG server. Make it like somewhat low grav, reverse, non turbo, including awp as first weapon. No super speed or health. One nade on nade level, each kill gets you another nade. Knife pro. It will fill up like jailbreak.

  4. It's really nothing different than any other grade. Except with the occasional pedophile teacher who scopes out all the girls with huge ****. They get easy As for showing some cleavage. So grow some **** soon, and it will be a breeze. Even if you don't grow them, it's not all that difficult, just incredibly time consuming and tedious.

  5. I tried being a nice mod when I first got it, explaining everything to people (why I slayed them, what rule they broke, what they should do next time) and it never stopped people from *****ing. After about a week of that I started basing my style on you Ero, because I really do think you were the best and handling things. I'm not kissing ***, but just taking care of **** and moving on the next thing without even addressing people half the time makes it easier to deal with. The servers are always populated, and it's mostly small children whose parents have lead them to believe the sun rises and sets in their ***, and that they should be treated as such. It's getting harder to play jailbreak and enjoy it, stomach it even. It's complete chaos, and no matter how many people you slay, kick, ban, there is always someone lined up right behind them that are as bad or even worse. It's sickening.

  6. Probably won't be on much the next few days. Weather is going to be nice, less muggy and hot, and I've got a lot of wrenching I need to do. I've been neglecting my car because of the heat, and it really needs to get taken care of before classes start up again. If I'm online and you need something feel free to message me, but I don't know how often that will be. Perfect timing, as I'm getting aggravated more easily looking at some of the things that seem to be passed over. I won't get nit-picky on it, but it's best I take a few days off. I'll post up some pics of what I do, if anyone's interested.

  7. It gets easier the older you get. The problems change, but you learn to adjust and work with them. Currently my dad is waiting on a heart transplant, and is being kept alive by an artificial heart and a pacemaker. We found out 3 years ago that it was a genetic disorder, and I was the only one of the 3 kids to carry the gene mutation. A year later they start to see signs of the disease in me, and I don't get to play my senior season of football. One week before Christmas of last year I was officially diagnosed. I've lived knowing this disease most of my life, so it doesn't bother me too much anymore. **** gets hard, but you can always pull through, you just need to find people who truly care for you, even if they are hundreds of miles and an Internet connection away. You can pull through man, there is always a silver lining, even if it is tiny it's worth grasping for.