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Everything posted by Soiarn

  1. Member Name: Soiarn Player's Name: Bill Nye The Pedo Guy Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:6895554 Ban Request Reason: 1. He's imitating members of xG. 2. This list. Name Changed - July 08, 2011 @ 2:21am - *** BACONS Name Changed - July 30, 2011 @ 12:48am - Bill Nye The Pedo Guy Name Changed - July 02, 2011 @ 1:47am - DJ EZ **** exccesary Name Changed - July 02, 2011 @ 1:48am - DJ EZ **** it is xsess-a-ray Name Changed - July 08, 2011 @ 2:21am - *** BACON Name Changed - July 10, 2011 @ 11:15pm - DJ EZ **** Name Changed - July 10, 2011 @ 11:15pm - look in soccer vent Name Changed - July 20, 2011 @ 4:08am - Pikajew Name Changed - July 20, 2011 @ 3:34am - Pikajew (King J SR) Name Changed - July 29, 2011 @ 2:39am - Pixeltaint And this link: Steam Community :: Dees Nutz 419 blaze it :: Persona name history Bill Nye The Pedo Guy: have you licked a goats penis before? Pikajew: ok monkey ****er And lots of other crazy ****ing ****.
  2. Oh I am so sorry, it's the PEDO fake version of you. So, so sorry. You're cool man.
  3. No, but Aaron Ball has been calling me a goat****er for weeks on end, every damn day...
  4. *** Removed by User **** I'm sorry, it was that imposter, that Billy Nye Pedo Guy.
  5. Go mind your own ****ing business, even though, it's not my fault, because HE'S THE TROLL NOT ME.
  6. You were the *******, I'd need a new STEAM ID and a IP SCRAMBLER, I only have one of them. IP SCRABLER's are LEGAL in MY COUNTRY. Okay. Now, you were asking the same damn question over and over again, because you needed a real reason for me to be unbanned. I told you the only reason I want to be unbanned is because I want to play the at the damn servers. You tried to make it worse all the time, and you're making me so damn mad. Now, did you read the topic title? P.S.: You're not whorty of having SpongeBob Squarepants and Trollface in the same profile picture.
  7. Soiarn


    I agree. 10 char limit
  8. Soiarn


    And where's the evidence, a guy telling a guy telling a GiRl?
  9. It'd be me a honor having you in our clan. And, thank you sir. :)
  10. +1, HAIL DER FUHRER! Deutschland, Deutschland uber alles! Nazi salute from me, comrade!
  11. Dear, [xG:M] Quarantine... All the time since I've joined these serevers, so have he been trying to get me banned all the time. He's been giving false accusation, and make me look bad, and also he's over-reacting to everything that I've ever done. He's giving me subliminal messages and trying to build my anger up. He's not like showing everyone that he's being a jerk towads me and trying to get me banned. It's all in the hidden, so that I'm the only one affected and the only one who notices it. He've been doing this for a long time now, and he's almost forcing me leave the clan / servers all the time. There's nobody in the whole universe, that's being such dis-respectfull towards me, and trying to make it so that I quit. I constantly get banned because he's trying to make me look bad and that I've done something ALOT ALOT ALOT worse than I've even done. If you read this, please stop it, and I'd prefer it if you didn't try to be a part of every case that's about me. If you don't stop soon, you'll get exactly what you've wanted, to get me to leave. Congratulations Quarantine, you got exactly what you wanted. There's no other person that disgraces me more than you. Basically, he's making me mad, and he's doing his best to do so. An example might be the time he told me that he were going to help me, and it ended up getting me perm. banned from TeamSpeak.
  12. Soiarn


    Then you can confirm I weren't mass dis-respecting like I do highly believe [xG:M] Quarantine is saying.
  13. [ATTACH]300.vB[/ATTACH]10 char limit
  14. Soiarn

    Just Do It!

    'lemme think 1986?
  15. Soiarn


    Also, who says I kept spawn camping, I got asked personally from the Moderator to impersonate a Moderator so he had a kick reason. I DID THAT BECAUSE HE TOLD ME TO DO IT.
  16. Soiarn


    Dude, why'd you lie about your in-game name. I have evidence of you using another name while you got banned. Generally speaking, shooting into a stack isn't smart.
  17. Soiarn


    I know, he told me to change my name, so he could proove that he could kick me. The spawn killing was because this dude shot at me first, and then I shot at him. He wouldn't stop and I kept dieing. I didn't get kicked by console either. The ban has elapsed. Edit: I know what I got banned for, no need for you to even reply.
  18. Soiarn


    Just... Don't hurt yourself man, overdoing facepalm is facepalmingdangerous.
  19. Name your temp. properly with either a F or a C.
  20. Attention all member of this pitty little forum. You are hereby welcome to post any random stuff on this thread, as this is the random thread. Have fun, and remember, be random. Here's an excellent example of something random: 'sup pretty boy?
  21. Soiarn


    No, he banned me for 30 whole minutes. o.O BTW, 5 minutes to go.
  22. -1 for ban, what you guys above are saying, is the totally different of his nature.
  23. Soiarn


    Member Name: Soiarn What game?: Counter-Strike Source Your In-Game Name: [xG] Rolf Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:35539311 Ban Reason: First off, I had a bet with this kbshooter guy, who claimed he was a moderator, I didn't believe him. He didn't have [xG:M] in his name, and I told him to personally kick me, as a proof. So he told me that he can't kick without a reason, and personally told me over mic to change my name to [xG:M] and I did, then he kicked me. I came back with normal name, and he was glad he had his proof. So I changed my name to [xG] Rolf. Unban Reason: Because it's allowed to change your in-game name, especially to a unused one. I've seen countless moderators do it like, Quarantine (enitnarauQ), Mad Scientist (Tsitneics Dam) and other normal XenoGamers members. ---------- Post added at 09:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:53 PM ---------- 10 more minutes to go...
  24. 1. You're seriously dis-respecting me man, I've told you several times to stop calling me a damn goat****er, goatlicker or ask me what's my favourite goat. 2. You're a troll, you're not a member of the clan, your not in the position to vouch to ban me. 3. Please stay out of my life, okay?