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Posts posted by MuLLin

  1. Might aswell just put a few suggestions up in this post and hope they get noticed :P


    1. B.O.B Vs. Zeds Dead - Beast Break http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id=HTNBRczCSB4;list=LL_RCJVizCopqfa0aPrqpn7g

    ^^this ones good cuz it keeps saying Ye Im in BEAST MODE!


    2. Muse - Popcorn http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6oc9o8I6Hw


    3. The Bloody Beetroots ft. Dennis Lyxzen - Church of Noise http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3QwEVi1IqU


    Only suggestions, and good songs i like :) so take a listen

  2. Maturity : 5.5/10

    Activity : 8/10


    I've seen you a lot on server and calling warden, both are good things but i've also seen you break a few rules and not doing anything about it; resulted in a few slays from me.


    Yet, i must give you a +1 since you do usualy behave on server. Just please watch out for rule breaking but other then that all the best in your quest to enter the xG :)

  3. ok this is pretty much pics of my "crew/friends" cars when we drive down to auto show every friday


    First off, my parents 2012 2 door honda civic is what i drive



    Then my friends' dads 2011 Subaru WRX



    Followed by my friends 2010 Mitsubishi Lancer Evo



    And last but not least, my friends' cousins Honda S2000 (s2k)










  4. Ok guys,

    You might not know of ::GMOCA:: clan but its a bunch of british kids who come in the UK Jailbreak server with 5-6 members and do not follow rules one single bit. I have been called in to the server to deal with these people a great number of times and everytime i come into server under a different name and slay one person, they all leave.


    So today shadowspy and mr. doctor were in server and asked to come deal with freekillers. I join server and to my not so surprised eyes, it was 5 GMOCA members. They all freekilled us a few times before leaving server so i got fed up with dealing with these incompetent kids who do not have respect for server rules and banned all 5 members since they all left.


    Current perm banned (by me) GMOCA members are :







    I must please beg higher ranks to approve the banning of ALL GMOCA members since i have had to deal with them countless times and they never seem to learn anything; even read motd for the matter and i'm tired of seeing the same people ruin the server and break rules.

  5. This should definetly be cleared up in motd. I personaly hate people who kill ppl that jump from one cell to the other then kill them while they are in cell. I've always given myself the rule that if "out of cell you're a rebel" is called, i only kill Ts if they are out of cell.... but thats just me :P


    Angrehhorse also brings up a pretty good point. On the map where iso can be opened from the inside, it has happened to me before to have opened it then run out THEN hear out of cell rebel before i could reach cell button and got killed. I do feel bad to slay so i usualy restrain from it. This is a very grey area since if one T is out of his cell before OutOfCell order is given, is he really a rebel or just Usain Bolt?

  6. Your 5$ will be Jet-shipped to you within the next 1-3 days.


    Please fill out the information needed below:


    1. Email

    2. Address

    3. Phone number

    4. Mother's maiden name

    5. Postal code

    6. SIN

    7. Shoe size

    *8. Credit Card number


    *=Optional, bank account number is fine too


    We sincerely thank you for using LottoRamaBettinMachinoMullin!

  7. Are you really? Has your social life dissapeared since the jb server went down? Fear not young padawans!


    Get your daily fix of jailbreak on our UK jailbreak server which is up and running :)


    Follow the IP to find server and add to favorites


    Hope to see you all in our regular jailbreak shenanigans soon!!!


    -love, Mr.MuLLin

  8. After reading this whole thread, i have come to a conclusion...


    Yet i will still give my opinion, asked me to vouch for him on steam, havent seen him in ages but comes back and wants mod?, sorry dude but you:

    A) Gotta play more

    B) Active on forums

    C) Clear up your track record...

    D) Suck up to serb, maybe buy him flowers or a unicorn (think those things are what he enjoys most;)


    -1 for now, +/- will be up to you in the coming weeks


  9. Miss yo face!! You've been nothing but laughs and chuckles for me ever since my beginning in xG, and for that i thank you sir! You're also one of the best mod/admins i know, quick on the slays, always explain why, and you're just so kind!! :) Hope all and all goes well, from your budday


  10. +1 for the deserving people that want an unban to PLAY and not troll in our servers, control unbans though and keep them on thin ice

  11. Best party (crazyness)

    -My friend threw a party when her mom went out of town for a lil bit. At the start of the night it was about 20-30 people just drinkin and tokin but around 9-10pm people started to flood the house.. by the end of the night my buddies engraved SWED and 420baby! in an old wooden table, someoneone brought donuts which we ended up doing a donut hunt like at easter in the mornin (i found one on a chandelier -.- ), lemons in the toaster/oven, i can account for knowing about 3 26oz's and a 24 dissapearing from people during the night and credited for defusing a fight that couldve led to about a 20person brawl xD

    by the end of the night, i had cleared a 26oz of lemon bacardi and i would say about 5g's of ganj to myself :$ .....BUT on the way home, me n my buddy met these 3 random girls who were in the streets at 3am havin a lil fun. We talked to them for a bit and decided to spend some time with them. We all went on a random persons trampoline and sprayed a bunch of mustard on it + on a bunch of cars too and finished the night by ending up goin pool hopping with them in our birthday suits. ;)


    Best "party"

    -me and about 10 other people went to my buds cottage for 3 days... all we did was drink, smoke, fk and eat. I did a few financing before i left and figured about 150-200$ shouldve been good. By the end of the last day, i had spent over 400$ on alcohol, cigarettes, food, bud and unfortunately i didnt count in the 100$+ i spent on fireworks but damn that was a great time! Boating, campfires, fishing, all while under the influence of something and finishin off with some "polishing" at night if u catch my drift ;)